

  • I just started also. I have lost and gain three times now in my life. It keeps getting harder. Each day is another day. Don't sweat it. As long as you stick with it you will loose the weight. The longer it takes the more likely it will come off. You can not give up. :smile: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I think that is my problem, over on the carbs but not on the calories. I am trying to go over on the protein now but stay in my calorie range i will let you know how it works out over the next few weeks.
  • I just started on 1200 cal a day diet in Jan and have only lost 6 lbs. I am on the treadmill 30 - 45 3 - 4 times per week. I am in my mid 40's so my metobolism is slowed down quite a bit. I just started using myfitness pal so I hope to do a better job tracking. I was loosing 1lb a week for the first month then nothing. I…
  • I have lost the weight before but gained it back. It is slower this time so I need motivation. Hoping to make friends. :happy: