Need support

Beefyg Posts: 27
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi- I have been on here now for about a month. I work out 6 times a week with cardio and weights. I have been working out consistantly for a year now. I am still stuck with no significant weight changes. My personal trainer suggested I try the eat clean diet. I have started it this week and it feels like I am eating all the time. I like that! :happy:

I guess I am hoping for some encouragement or advice. I need to know what has worked for other people and why I am not losing weight! It is really, really frustrating :mad: I cannot give up! I need to do this for myself!! HELP!


  • tasteoheavn
    tasteoheavn Posts: 47 Member
    I didn't think it was possible to gain support on an online site but I have and I love MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need extra encouragement.
  • I didn't lose any weight for the first couple of months! For me, not eating my exercise points works. But even now the weight is coming off very slowly. I have to drink water every day to see results. I exercise and then drink a bottle of water right after because it tastes better. I really don't like water otherwise. I think you are just in the lucky group of people whose body is reluctant to drop any pounds.:ohwell: Don't give up, you are not alone.:happy:
  • gidjet11
    gidjet11 Posts: 86
    I think the change in diet is just what you needed! I'm trying to do the same thing and so far it's going great, not alot of weight lost yet but I'm on week one with it also. I'm trying not to focus on the number on the scale but instead on living a healthier lifestyle and being a good influence on my boys! Best of luck to you!
  • BeckyWBT
    BeckyWBT Posts: 5
    I just started on 1200 cal a day diet in Jan and have only lost 6 lbs. I am on the treadmill 30 - 45 3 - 4 times per week. I am in my mid 40's so my metobolism is slowed down quite a bit. I just started using myfitness pal so I hope to do a better job tracking. I was loosing 1lb a week for the first month then nothing. I think perhaps I was too high on the carbs and then not enough protein. Try keeping an eye on that. That is what I have been doing this week. If I do not get the 1lb a week loss for the next two weeks I plan to visit my doctor. I may need my thryroid checked. if that's not the culprit then I plan to ask the doctor to put me on medically supervised lower calorie diet. I hope it will not come to that. :grumble:
  • gburkhart2
    gburkhart2 Posts: 72 Member
    Eat more! Yes. That's right.
    You're barely netting 1200 calories a day on average.
    That's less than a vast majority of women's maintenance level without exercising.
    It sounds crazy, but you can eat too little, particularly when you are exerting that much energy on a daily basis.
    Good luck, keep your head up & smile!
  • Beefyg
    Beefyg Posts: 27
    Thanks for all your support!! I am hoping this clean eating does the trick!
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