

  • Wow, everyone is doing great! I'm off to a very slow start, but hope to catch up with you all next week!
  • I've been needing a little push like this, so I'm in too!
  • Thrift stores!
  • Well, I didn't quite make my goal weight, but I think I have made some good habits. I also bought some size 10 (I've been a 14) Levi's today. They are a little tight, but I got them up and zipped no problem! And they aren't even the stretchy kind! I am motivated to keep going for sure. Thanks to you all for your words of…
  • Well, I had a little too much fun with friends this week! Very busy with work and social life, I missed a couple workouts and went to a couple potlucks. I didn't do to bad though, lost almost two pounds! SW (6/01): 165.4 Wk1 (6/05): 163.4 Wk2 (6/12): 160.0 Wk3 (6/19): 160.0 Wk4 (6/26): 158.6 Wk5 (6/30): Challenge GW: 155.4
  • There seems to be a theme this week, I had a bad week also. My husband was out of town, I had book club at my house , my parents took my son and I out to dinner, My husband wanted pizza for fathers day and on top of everything, I have a stupid cold! This week will be better! SW (6/01): 165.4 Wk1 (6/05): 163.4 Wk2 (6/12):…
  • Try a craft or sewing store, they have flexible tape measures made for taking body measurements (for sewing garments)
  • You all are so inspiring! Everyone is doing great! The sugar thing did not go as planned this week. I did much better than usual, but will have to continue working on it. I worked out only 5 times this week, life got in the way. This week can only get better! My weigh in started things off with a bang, 3.4 pounds! SW…
  • Had a bad day yesterday. I went over on calories plannning for an evening workout. But my husband did not come home when he said he would, so I did not go out for my walk. I would have gone with my son in the stroller, but had made plans for going when my husband got home, so he was all ready for bed. I know I could have…
  • I've been doing pretty well with the workouts. One day was just gardening, but I've been walking all the other days. I've been under calories all week, but still need to work on eating healthier. SW (6/01): 165.4 Wk1 (6/05): 163.4 Wk2 (6/12): Wk3 (6/19): Wk4 (6/26): Wk5 (6/30): Challenge GW: 155.4
  • - What are you doing today and for the rest of the week to stay under your calories??? I'm trying to be really concious of my portion sizes. This weekend, I'm catching up on some work (very sedentary!) so I will be fitting in walks every day. I have been thinking about trying jogging, but can't do that with our stroller,…
  • I'm really excited for this challenge. MFP has been really helpful for me since I started, but I have been slacking a little lately. I'm ready to get back on track!
  • OK, I'm in! Here goes: SW (6/01): 165.4 Wk1 (6/05): Wk2 (6/12): Wk3 (6/19): Wk4 (6/26): Wk5 (6/30): Challenge GW: 155.4 Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I'd like to join, how do I sign up?