

  • Your body changes all the time and I have times where I drop then times I don't, in the end ther is no fast solution, it's a lifestyle.
  • Well I make great efforts to make sure my hubby feels appreciated when it comes to gifts and such, as well he does the same for me. It's a two way street and you get what you give so the women out there who think they should only get, shame on them and stop the mind games, no one is a mind reader so just tell it how it is…
  • I have learned to listen to my body and if it says a day off then I take one even if I feel guilty for it but in the end I'm ready to get back at it full force and feel better for it. We need rest too or we get burnt out.
  • I do an hour twice a week and I spoke to my instructor and my 497 per 60 mins she agreed was about accurate. We work our butts off in her class and I come out sweaty for sure and love it!
  • I have a special container for my water to count and dont count any other drinks as my water. Maybe I could but I choose not to.
  • That's my "trouble" area too. Some days it's gone and like today here it is so I just take it day by day and continue on my journey. You will find over all loss to it though over time. We are woman and depending on the time of month, your genetic make up and a million other factors I think it can be hard but keep your eyes…
  • If I'm hungry I eat, if not I don't. I have weeks where I eat everythng in sight but then I have some where I hardly eat. I still have the workout energy I need and feel great plus am half to my goal so the 1200 is a gauge for sure.
  • I gained allot with my kid (14 yrs ago) and have been struggling with for sure that one area. It is better and so is my other problem area my "bat wings" (arms). The one thing that I have found has helped in Kettlebells, if you find a class that includes swinging them (as I don't know where you live) and using them as…
  • I use the rule that I can have one but only one and a bite is better than the pack, take care of a craving before it turns into a binge. We deserve to treat but only in moderation and with treating you have to consider the rest of your day/week. That's what I do anyway, hope that helps!
  • Random pic from my blackberry, there aren't enough pics of me at my current wieght so that was what I did for now lol.
  • Thanks guys, I feel better. I had a bannana, a danacol drinkable yougurt and Quaker reduced sugar oatmeal pack for breaky, I don't even take sugar in my coffee, I use splenda and 1% milk. I am a very habitual eater so this is my regular breakfast (boring I know lol). I will eat about another 2-3 fruits here at work…
  • All about a good sports bra!! You have to try them on and when you do go in the change room and jump around like a crazy person, you'll know which one hugs the girls the best. Iit's not about looking good in the bra, it's about supporting and you're bound to look like a uni boob but hey your girls won't hurt :)
  • I found one (I don't know where youi live) at Save On Foods by Liberte, it's a great low everything. I was floored how much sugar was in the regular stuff but oh so yummy lol.
  • I found it the easiest to forgo the fast food lines myself. I don't need the upset stomach and the feeling like crap in general. Becareful of not only the fast food joints but restaurants in general. I have looked at the nutritional info and was FLOORED at what I thought would be a good choice and it turned out to be awful.
  • Dont feel bad at all for sticking to your guns. These are the one's that usually have all the excuses/complaints why they can't lose weight, really, it's such a mystery? Keep at it as I enjoy my orange instead of the baked treats in the lunch room "Nothing tastes as good as fit feels" - I heard this a few years back and…
  • I am one of those people now too, I like to think I'm not snobby about it though haha. I do however don't always have nice comments in my head for those in the fast food places I drive by but then I just say to myself, they aren't here yet, hopefully they can find their way :) I get up at 5 am to walk my dog before work as…
  • Find a kettlebells class that includes swinging them and you'll lose along with watching your diet, I don't know where you are from but there are classes all over. I had never tried but have heard great things about Zumba too.