

  • I have a cheat meal or snack once a month, while I'm still losing. I always track it on here and make sure I work out extra the day before, if not the day itself. My June treat was some toffee and caramel soft serve ice cream - but just one scoop! My July treat is going to be a coconut and lemongrass chicken ramen from…
  • Wow, so many replies! Thankyou to everyone who answered! I'm not sure if bringing food with me is entirely polite, but I might bring a couple of little snacks to have if a situation arises where everyone has cake or chocolate (like some dried fruit, nuts etc). Best to be prepared. I think the key is going to be portion…
  • I'm 5ft 7 and 123lbs currently, looking to hit 120 which is my final goal, which should happen in the next month or so, I hope. Then going to begin maintenance and think of some fitness/body image goals to conquer next!! If anyone has similar stats/height or aims, please give me an add :-)
  • I'm also interested in this topic, I've got stuck at 126/128 multiple times over the past year or so and I am here now at 126 again, wondering if this is my body's "natural weight", if such a thing exists. I wouldn't mind getting to 123 or 124, but I'm pretty flexible and not going to stress over it. I'm curious to hear…
  • Hello! I have similar stats to you as I am 5ft 7 and 126 currently. I'd like to get down to 120, but if it doesn't happen soon, I don't really care. I'm concentrating on toning up now, so 120 migt be a bit of a long shot, but we'll see. Do you mind if I add you as it would help me to see someone with similar stats! xx