

  • Tuesday... Blahhhhh Looking at my February goal... WAY TOO ambitious.. more like unrealistic and wishful thinking!!! I wanted to lose 10 lbs in a short month, but it's looking like 4 lbs will be a stretch! I plan to bust it the next few days and strive for 2 more lbs. I know I can do it "swimsuit, swimsuit, swimsuit."…
  • Great job Kan!!! I have been working non-stop in February! I decided to umpire (indoors) last weekend (ON MY WEEKEND OFF) and it was a 48 hour tourney... so needless to say, I was up crazy late and super early and eating at all sorts of times! I hate staying in a hotel because it is so difficult to follow your healthy…
  • tjRadd-- Blackbean brownies.... I buy a can of black beans and put them into a blender until they are pretty well blended. It is okay if there are still some small choppy beans. The mix isn't going to be completely smooth! This is no problem! (The beans don't smell freakishly yummy when blended, but TRUST ME). Work the…
  • How about this BROWNIE craving! I have been in serious need of chocolate ever since this horrible ice storm! HAS ANYONE HAS BLACK BEAN BROWNIES? extremely moist-- chocolateyuse a regular box of brownie mix substitute blended black beans for water, oil and eggs! (at first the mix and blended black beans looks really thick,…
  • mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this…
  • Best of Luck! I am 25 and past the spring break thing, but I go to drag races in the spring/summer. I travel to warm weather and am dreading the tank top and shorts unless I lose 10 lbs by then! Motivation is always a yo-yo thing for me, but I plan to stay on it this time! When you cant squeeze into your shorts... you tend…
  • Hi group! Obviously it is way too close for me to jump on the wagon to try and lose mega weight before Valentines Day! This Message board looks great! I love the updates and how someone took the time to put together a chart! Excellent job moving toward your goal "group"---- I would definitley be interested in participating…
  • I haven't logged in to my fitness pal for over two weeks!!! That is BAD... I know!!!! Operation weight loss hasn't really taken off!!! I have been working out like a crazy person and I feel myself getting stronger, but I still havent lost a lot of lbs! I am looking forward to Friday's number! Hopefully, I can pull off a…
  • 2 lbs for me too Rena!!! BUT SINCE I AM A HUGE COLTS FAN, LIVE IN INDY, AND I'M GOING TO A SUPERBOWL PARTY... I am worried about this weekend! I am bound and determined not to drink though!!! Wish me luck to make healthy decisions! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • My boyfriend doesn't keep any food in his house. He eats out on a regular basis and stays slim. We have a long distance relationship, so when I go for the weekend... it's constant restaurants and temptation!!!!! Not to mention, I am away from the gym when I go to his place. THIS IS A TERRIBLE COMBINATION! Maybe that is…
  • yes that is what they say... that we are supposed to be the sexiest in our 20's.... well i just decided, since I am turning 25 next month, I am bound to be my sexiest in my late 20's!!! We still have time :heart:
  • I'll be 25 next month... and just had this realization about how much my body has changed in the past 4 years! I joined my fitness pal this week and am trying to stay motivated! It's really motivational to see some of your posts 5 months ago and see your progress since!! Hopefully I can be that successful in 5 months as…