Turn your Life around 20's



  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    I have a trip to NOLA this weekend with my two best friends from college. I've been doing so good, the scale is finally moving, and now I'm worried I'll go a little overboard!! I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as healthy cajun food. Should I just take this as a cheat weekend, stay the path and not eat the exotic foods (which is one of my favorite things to do on vacation), or something in between. I'm leaning towards the latter even though it'll probably come with a little weight gain but what's the point in going somewhere new if I can't experience all the sights, sounds, and tastes?!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    I have a trip to NOLA this weekend with my two best friends from college. I've been doing so good, the scale is finally moving, and now I'm worried I'll go a little overboard!! I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as healthy cajun food. Should I just take this as a cheat weekend, stay the path and not eat the exotic foods (which is one of my favorite things to do on vacation), or something in between. I'm leaning towards the latter even though it'll probably come with a little weight gain but what's the point in going somewhere new if I can't experience all the sights, sounds, and tastes?!

    Oh gosh thats a tough one, but i don't think you should limit yourself to eating all these new foods.
    I would just work on portion control. Try little bits of everything and i think you will be fine. Good luck and have a great time!!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Just got done doing sit ups and push ups my arms and shoulders are so sore!! Well we should start throwing around ideas for the challenge for next week because it does take us so long to get it decided.

    Hope everyone is doing good this week!! I'm not feeling to great about it. I've been working out more then normal, but i find myself snacking more and eating out I've only gone over 2 days which one was by 25calories so I'm hoping I lose this week!.

    What are some healthy snacks besides fruits, veggies, and almonds you guys eat??
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Hello, all you pretty faces!
    Havent seen this thread, but I'm 23 and started my weight loss journey in February. I have already lost 9lbs. Im on the P90 program. It would be nice to see some others around my age losing weight as well.
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    So have we decided that the weigh-in day will now be on Mondays? I know a lot of you have said that's when you weigh in anyway but was just wondering if we just wanted to make that the day.
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Well I lost 1.5 lbs this week. I'm pretty happy about that because i had a couple bad days. I'm ganna try really hard this week to lose at least 2lbs!!

    Good luck to anyone else weighing in today.
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    So I've decided that I'm going to start weighing in on Sundays. That will keep me accountable for Friday nights and Saturdays all day. When I weighed in on Friday's, I would splurge most of the weekend. So with weigh in being on Sunday, that will give me one full day to splurge if I want to. So anyway, just wanted to update.

    Good luck to everyone weighing in this week! :)
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Anyone have any new challenges for the next two weeks???
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Anyone have any new challenges for the next two weeks???

    I can't really think of anything. Although the weather is getting nice here so I want to walk outside more.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Back in town from my vacation!! And with all the crazy fried food and alcohol that coincides with my TOM the damage this morning was only 1.5 lbs (only???). I'm really hoping that in a few days the bloatyness will recede and I'll see if I came out okay! Thank goodness the French Quarter is so pedestrian, I don't even know how many miles we walked in circles exploring!!

    And I like a challenge to increase excercise by 10mins each day!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey ladies! Its been a week, Since i've actually logged or done any "real" exercise. I'm about to get on the scale pretty nervous! New boy in my life and with midterms this week has been pretty crazy. I still have tests thursday, So hopefully after that I can get back on it! I didn't realize how much guys screw up your routine! lol. Wish me luck! Have a wonderful day ladies!
  • I haven't logged in to my fitness pal for over two weeks!!! That is BAD... I know!!!! Operation weight loss hasn't really taken off!!! I have been working out like a crazy person and I feel myself getting stronger, but I still havent lost a lot of lbs! I am looking forward to Friday's number! Hopefully, I can pull off a decent number this week to get me back on the train!!!! Say a prayer ;)
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I am 28 years old and I have 2 children. I am trying really hard to lose about 25-30lbs.
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    ash marie - Good luck with keeping strong! Men typical do screw up the routine. However, if you snagged one that likes working out, that can be a bonus, too! :)

    weaverc- Welcome to the group! Hopefully this will be a really encouraging and uplifting and motivating blog for you! Good luck on your journey!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm almost 21, I'd love to be a part of this!! I'm working on losing 26 more lbs for a goal weight of 140. I try to work out 5-6x/week, cardio almost everyday. I love doing intervals on the treadmill to work up my endurance and the stair master has become my best friend for quick calorie burn.
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks Rena, unfortunately I found one that likes to eat... a lot! lol But i have found that I don't eat as much as he finishes whatever I do not eat. Damn him and his high metabolism!

    Welcome new ladies! Glad to have you here! Good Luck!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Have any of you thought of a new challenge for the next two weeks? Im thinking we should do a food and fitness challenge.
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Well i only lost half a pound this week, but last night had a heavy dinner pretty late so that could be the cause. So hopefully next week i have a better outcome.

    How is everyone doing??
  • I would love to join your group, Im 23, have about 6lbs left to lose and then toning up to do. I am a little ill at the moment so ignoring counting the calories until I get better. Which will mean I'll probably gain. :-( ah well.

    Well I have just weighed myself and I gained 2lbs but figure that is due to being run down and me feeding my body more. Have not been able to do a proper workout alm week either. :-( never
    mind. I will probably gain a little more untill this thing clears up.
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Solly- keep it up! I agree it would be great to do a "double Challenge" we could figure something out now and run it for the rest of this week then the next week. I need to stop eating one big meal thats really bad for me and spreading out my calories more. anyone have good advice or a challenge for that? Then for an exercise challenge there is this video on exercisetv.tv. Called straight to the core... Its flipping HARD! I can't do the whole thing on the beginner level and i feel like i have a pretty strong core. So I'd say lets do that full out as far as you can and see much longer you can go by the end of the two weeks.
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