Turn your Life around 20's



  • NicoleMikluscak
    Would love to join.....26 year old elementary school teacher....Love MFP, used it last year and did well....haven't been very healthy lately and need to get back on track! UGH!!!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Would love to join.....26 year old elementary school teacher....Love MFP, used it last year and did well....haven't been very healthy lately and need to get back on track! UGH!!!!

    Of course you can join, welcome Nicole!!!!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Welcome Nicole!

    Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well Leash, hope you get better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hope you are getting better Leash, being sick is the worst!

    Welcome Nicole!

    Hows everyone else doing this week?
  • mom22kiddos
    mom22kiddos Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I am 22 year old stay at home mother to 2 children. I have about 55 pounds I would like to loose and would love to be apart of the group. I need all the motivation I can get.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome Mom22kiddos!

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the week, actually had to go back to work today - vacations over, going to be a looong 3 days.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Oh gosh!!!:noway: So I have to go to my fiance's brothers surprise b-day tonight and it is at Dave & Busters! So they have like nothing good at all. I saw on their website that they have a garden burger so hopefully I can get that and some veggies or something!?!?!?!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Oh gosh!!!:noway: So I have to go to my fiance's brothers surprise b-day tonight and it is at Dave & Busters! So they have like nothing good at all. I saw on their website that they have a garden burger so hopefully I can get that and some veggies or something!?!?!?!

    Uh oh!!!! I have never been there but they MUST have salads, just get the healthiest looking one and get the dressing on the side, or maybe a grilled chicken sandwich... be careful with the veggies... a lot of times restaurants put a lot of butter on them... have a good time!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Oh gosh!!!:noway: So I have to go to my fiance's brothers surprise b-day tonight and it is at Dave & Busters! So they have like nothing good at all. I saw on their website that they have a garden burger so hopefully I can get that and some veggies or something!?!?!?!

    Uh oh!!!! I have never been there but they MUST have salads, just get the healthiest looking one and get the dressing on the side, or maybe a grilled chicken sandwich... be careful with the veggies... a lot of times restaurants put a lot of butter on them... have a good time!

    ~Leash :heart:

    ok so it was good last night. I ordered a grilled chicken breast dry with a side salad dressing on the side. It wasn't on the menu but they were very helpful and worked with me. :smile: and the games were actually fun! haha.
  • NicoleMikluscak
    Yay! Awesome Good Job!!!! A+ for willpower!
    Oh gosh!!!:noway: So I have to go to my fiance's brothers surprise b-day tonight and it is at Dave & Busters! So they have like nothing good at all. I saw on their website that they have a garden burger so hopefully I can get that and some veggies or something!?!?!?!

    Uh oh!!!! I have never been there but they MUST have salads, just get the healthiest looking one and get the dressing on the side, or maybe a grilled chicken sandwich... be careful with the veggies... a lot of times restaurants put a lot of butter on them... have a good time!

    ~Leash :heart:

    ok so it was good last night. I ordered a grilled chicken breast dry with a side salad dressing on the side. It wasn't on the menu but they were very helpful and worked with me. :smile: and the games were actually fun! haha.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    25 here, almost 26. I've accomplished a lot, but I'm still not where I want to be. But I'll gladly support anyone who needs help.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome MSarro!

    Congrats on your loss to date, that is a tremendous accomplishment.
  • SkinnyCate
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 24 and would love to join this board to help motivate me even more :)

    I downloaded the iphone app and it's been great so far, I've obsessed over making sure I plug in each thing I eat - which has been very eye opening! I am on here to loose the extra 40lbs I am lugging around - on a 5'2 frame - eekk!

    My boyfriend, mom, and dad are all using the site too, but it would be nice to talk to some more people my age about your experiences, challenges, and success :)

    Have a healthy day!
    - Cate
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Welcome Cate!! Its good to have that motivation at home!!

    Well we need another challange!! I've been getting pretty discouraged lately it seems like im doing everything right yet im gaining weight, and i don't know if its because im drinking a significant amount of more water or what. I deffintly havn't been working out enough, but i havn't had anytime to, but im going to start logging in my food better and trying to get into the gym to see if it helps me out more!!

    Well I hope you all are having better luck then me in the last few weeks!!
  • SkinnyCate

    I am so down for a challenge! Bring. it. ON. :)
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    What are some good ideas for a challenge?

    My goal for this week is to make smart overall meal choices. This week starts my horrible work schedule and for the forseeable future, so I need to choose better items when we order take out for lunches/dinners. Just not going to work to pack that much food, considering two weeks i will be away in hotels.

    Yesterday i was good for lunch - i ordered from Chili's the good grill choice of Carne Asada Steak with Broccoli/Carrots which was around 450 calories. Very fillings, plus way better calorie wise than just about anything on the menu.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    What are some good ideas for a challenge?

    Hey didn't get to weigh in on Friday but I did today and I am down a pound!! I felt like I did horrible last week though. ha, oh well I'll take it.

    I was thinking about maybe trying to get in one more serving of fruits and veggies everyday. I know that for me it is an aera I can work on. Any other ideas??
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Welcome new comers!! :smile:
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    What are some good ideas for a challenge?

    Hey didn't get to weigh in on Friday but I did today and I am down a pound!! I felt like I did horrible last week though. ha, oh well I'll take it.

    I was thinking about maybe trying to get in one more serving of fruits and veggies everyday. I know that for me it is an aera I can work on. Any other ideas??

    Great Job!! Keep it up!

    Thats a good idea. I also think this week should really aim at choosing the healthiest foods to eat like if were ganna go out we should consider the healthier side of the menu. Because I know everytime I go out to eat and eat something unhealthy it usually messes up my next day or two too. Just a thought?
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    [/quote]Great Job!! Keep it up!

    Thats a good idea. I also think this week should really aim at choosing the healthiest foods to eat like if were ganna go out we should consider the healthier side of the menu. Because I know everytime I go out to eat and eat something unhealthy it usually messes up my next day or two too. Just a thought?[/quote])

    Yeah that is a good idea, so this week we focus on choosing healthy foods and meals. What does everyone think?