Turn your Life around 20's



  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Ah, Meg I totally feel you. Last final today though. I haven't eaten good or worked out hardly at all this week. i'm kinda nervous for tomorrow. But I'm going home to Chicago tonight. I'm in charge of cooking there, so Hopefully I can get back on track. before the holidays next week.

    Well good luck to the rest of you that still have finals!

    Oh i can't remember who posted them and i'm lazy! But thanks for the recipes. I got a crock pot a while ago and haven't used it :(
    OH BTW if you want want walmart and like Gerbes(kroger) has really good sales on them right now. i Saw a med one for like 30 bucks! I'm sure Target has them on sale as well.

    Have a wonderful day ladies.
  • sollygirl
    I did absolutly horrible today went out to lunch which i totally didnt want to but of course everyone else did i got a wrap but then had two baskets of fries!!!Im going to do a hard work out tonight and i walked down to the business center at my complex and now im ganna just walk around it untill my baby boy is tired of the stroller!!Ugh weigh in tomorrow!!!Im beatin myself up over this and the fact i have barely worked out at all this week!!!
  • newmommy2cash
    I have been unable to work out for the last 3 days because I have Vertigo.
    I have maintained my healthy eating, I have been very tempted to eat junk though because I am just sitting on my butt!
    This may sound silly, but if I start to feel unmotivated, I watch Rehab Party at the Hard Rock on Demand. Hahahaha....I watch all the men and women with hot bodies and think to myself, they can do it, why can't I?! I want to go to Rehab next May and be able to wear a bikini without feeling self conscious, so far it's working!
    To all of you ladies struggling to stay on track. When you feel the urge to grab those fries or that shake, just think to yourself how horrible you will feel afterward and how much harder you will be on yourself. I do. I hate that feeling like I have failed myself for that medium fry from Mcdonalds. Go out and buy some sexy lingerie, a bikini, or a cute outfit, in the size that you wish to be and try it on once a week or every couple weeks, to see your progress. Just an idea...
    You guys have all done such an awesome job so far! Keep up the good work!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey Guys! Wow our week is kind of sucking, STUPID FINALS! and life in general! lol I still have to turn in a paper tomorrow and I still don't feel good about what I have, I'll be working on it more later... well I woke up feeling crappy today, sick that is, I've been having some health issues the last year or so but I got really bad the last month but the last 2 weeks I was FINALLY feeling great, I got on a bunch of new vitamins but today it came back... :cry: I really hope that I will feel better tomorrow, I'm going to dinner at my aunts tonight so I will get a nice healthy meal in me yay! I've been good about working out but I'm taking today off, I needed a day off anyways...

    so to newmommy, sollgirl, ash, and meg- Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to say that all of us and anyone who else reads this ARE GOING TO HAVE A GOOD DAY TOMORROW! We're going to eat flawlessly and we're going to have an excellent weigh in... ok good vibes are out now lets make it happen :happy:

    Have a great night and get some sleep everyone!... btw thanks to whoever started this board back up, I think it was Ash!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I have been unable to work out for the last 3 days because I have Vertigo.
    I have maintained my healthy eating, I have been very tempted to eat junk though because I am just sitting on my butt!
    This may sound silly, but if I start to feel unmotivated, I watch Rehab Party at the Hard Rock on Demand. Hahahaha....I watch all the men and women with hot bodies and think to myself, they can do it, why can't I?! I want to go to Rehab next May and be able to wear a bikini without feeling self conscious, so far it's working!
    To all of you ladies struggling to stay on track. When you feel the urge to grab those fries or that shake, just think to yourself how horrible you will feel afterward and how much harder you will be on yourself. I do. I hate that feeling like I have failed myself for that medium fry from Mcdonalds. Go out and buy some sexy lingerie, a bikini, or a cute outfit, in the size that you wish to be and try it on once a week or every couple weeks, to see your progress. Just an idea...
    You guys have all done such an awesome job so far! Keep up the good work!

    Ok I had to google Vertigo lol but that does not sound fun at all! I feel like like sometimes too so I know the feeling, I don't know how bad you have it though.. don't worry just work on your eating and you'll be fine :smile: :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    I have been unable to work out for the last 3 days because I have Vertigo.
    I have maintained my healthy eating, I have been very tempted to eat junk though because I am just sitting on my butt!
    This may sound silly, but if I start to feel unmotivated, I watch Rehab Party at the Hard Rock on Demand. Hahahaha....I watch all the men and women with hot bodies and think to myself, they can do it, why can't I?! I want to go to Rehab next May and be able to wear a bikini without feeling self conscious, so far it's working!
    To all of you ladies struggling to stay on track. When you feel the urge to grab those fries or that shake, just think to yourself how horrible you will feel afterward and how much harder you will be on yourself. I do. I hate that feeling like I have failed myself for that medium fry from Mcdonalds. Go out and buy some sexy lingerie, a bikini, or a cute outfit, in the size that you wish to be and try it on once a week or every couple weeks, to see your progress. Just an idea...
    You guys have all done such an awesome job so far! Keep up the good work!

    My mom has vertigo its horrible she couldnt even get outof bed for like 3weeks once. I hope yours isnt severe specially when you have to take care of your little guy i could only imagine how hard that would be!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok did ok this week, didn't get to the gym as much as I wanted. Booo i only lost like half a pound this week. Oh well, better than gaining! Good luck everyone! I hope you all are doing well and newmommy- feel better soon, my mom suffered from vertigo a while back. No fun!
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Welll first week in a long time I lost 3lbs, so now down to 172.... CRAZY!

    Apparently no soda is the trick. 12 more to drink but i will savor them....lol

    Hopefully next week i can control my self sitting home studying. I am taking the next section of the CPA exam in January.

    Bad news i failed the one i took before thanksgiving. Trying not to go to crazy, had 3 pizza of pizza tonight, but im still within my calories.
  • sollygirl
    Good job to both of you!! I lost half a pound also which is ok to me bc i barely worked out at all and last night i did absolutly horrible but i did go to the gym and was walking/running on the treadmil for 60min. yay me!i got my butt up and did something. well we need another challange!!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    GREAT job everyone! I forgot to weigh in, I'm not really into the scale cause I'm working on building muscle so it might just be depressing lol... I worked out last night and my mom and I are going to a local stadium to run the bleachers right now, I love bleacher workouts! I was thinking for the challenge that it could have something to do with portion control, since we have Christmas and such coming up it will be hard to say no to everything so as long as we have portion control we'll be good!

    Question: How many of you eat your exercise calories?! Thanks!... have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    GREAT job everyone! I forgot to weigh in, I'm not really into the scale cause I'm working on building muscle so it might just be depressing lol... I worked out last night and my mom and I are going to a local stadium to run the bleachers right now, I love bleacher workouts! I was thinking for the challenge that it could have something to do with portion control, since we have Christmas and such coming up it will be hard to say no to everything so as long as we have portion control we'll be good!

    Question: How many of you eat your exercise calories?! Thanks!... have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:

    Thats a really good idea, i have the hardest time with portion control.

    In the beginning i wasn't eating them but since ive been busy with the holidays and everyhtng i have been because i have less time to make healthier things but today i plan on eating healthy and not eating the crap at my work so im going to try my hardest not to!!
  • sollygirl
    Double post.
  • wmb0124
    wmb0124 Posts: 44 Member
    forgot to weigh-in yesterday....157 this week! lost two pounds!
  • sollygirl
    forgot to weigh-in yesterday....157 this week! lost two pounds!

    Great Job!!
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Epic fail today - perhaps due to the snow and lack of things to do but downed a few too many potato chips.

    Thats said - portion control is a great idea...

    Are any of the rest of your gust getting snow???
    We have about six inches right now and it didnt start til about 8pm. Wonder how much we will end up with.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    No snow hear in cali! Don't worry learning2fly you'll get back on the wagon today :smile:

    Did a great bleacher run with my mom yesterday then went and saw "Blind Side"... GREAT movie! I'm going to the gym in a bit, I'm home at my parents house right now making christmas cookies with my mom, we can't eat them though cause they are for the neighbors which is a good thing!... hope you all have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    So for portion control what should we aim for??

    Good luck this week everyone lets start monday off right!!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey great idea for the portion control. To answer the question about eating exercise calories, I hardly ever do that. I know that people go either way with this topic but I don't like to. I feel like if I just worked out hard why eat the extra. Now if I am hungry and/or my body tells me I should eat I will, but it is never the full amount.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Thanks for the responses about exercise calories guys!... I just got home from spin class and lifting weights, really good class this morning!... ok so for portion control I don't think we need anything specific as long as we aren't portion controlling everything as in thinking we can have EVERYTHING lol I'm mainly going to focus on portion control for those holiday dinners!... :smile:

    Have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • rhiannonmichelle
    I totally agree! Like everyone else finals kinda kicked any hint of healthy eating, I was eating at weird hours, sitting around studying all day and not being healthy like i wanted! No changing that though, I'm on break now & am hoping to be a bit healthier since I can choose what I eat and cook when I want since I don't have classes.

    I've got a crockpot too but need some recipes that are handy and healthy. I'll be student teaching next semester for school, and with being gone from 6:30 am until 5:00 pm, I'll need all the help I can with making cooking easier! Does anyone have healthy/easy recipes? Pass them along please :)