Turn your Life around 20's



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Ah week one is almost over! How is everyone? I'm ready for weigh in tomorrow, actually kind of excited to see how myself and everyone else did.

    Have a wonderful day.

    I'm excited to see what the scale says i can already tell my jeans are fitting looser, i wanna do a work out tonight so i can see a good number tomorrow!!

    I finished my first final today it went horrible i wont know my score till later tonight but the class average so far in a 59% and i needed a 59% to pass the class...ughhhh i hate finals week i have been sitting on my butt reading for the last three days!!!

    OMG it makes me soooo mad when the average is so low, its like HELLO maybe its your fault (I'm yelling at the teacher not you lol) SO ANNOYING, I hope you passed! :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Ok so that exam took everything out of me. I knew ng, and think I did alright, but it was HARD! I was too stressed to eat all day before it, so as soon as it was over some friends and I went to a pub and I had a corn beef reuben and a few too many, then just went home and crashed at like 8pm. Law School kills your social life btw haha. Thursday was still not a good eating day, but I did do a yoga video and danced around to the black eyed peas latest album so thats good. This morning though-the most amazing thing happened. I weighed myself and I had not gained a pound. Now I knew if I kept things up like I had been one day I wake up a balloon so I went to the gym (ran there and back its about .75 of a mile away) and did a circuit weights workout. I have fruit, yogurt, and a salad with me to have today in the library and good soup going in the crock pot when I get home. Not gaining weight actually really motivated to get back on track. Lets hope I keep it up through the weekend. I have my next exam monday so no excuses!

    I did my measurements last weekend, how often do yall think I should update those? I was thinking every other week would give it more time to change. Thoughts?

    Hope everyone else has a great weigh-in day! And thanks for all the support on my exam. :smile:
  • rhiannonmichelle
    I'm 21, in college and just got started today! Hoping to lose quite a bit of weight and keep it off!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Ok so that exam took everything out of me. I knew ng, and think I did alright, but it was HARD! I was too stressed to eat all day before it, so as soon as it was over some friends and I went to a pub and I had a corn beef reuben and a few too many, then just went home and crashed at like 8pm. Law School kills your social life btw haha. Thursday was still not a good eating day, but I did do a yoga video and danced around to the black eyed peas latest album so thats good. This morning though-the most amazing thing happened. I weighed myself and I had not gained a pound. Now I knew if I kept things up like I had been one day I wake up a balloon so I went to the gym (ran there and back its about .75 of a mile away) and did a circuit weights workout. I have fruit, yogurt, and a salad with me to have today in the library and good soup going in the crock pot when I get home. Not gaining weight actually really motivated to get back on track. Lets hope I keep it up through the weekend. I have my next exam monday so no excuses!

    I did my measurements last weekend, how often do yall think I should update those? I was thinking every other week would give it more time to change. Thoughts?

    Hope everyone else has a great weigh-in day! And thanks for all the support on my exam. :smile:

    Awesome! I haven't had time to do a weigh in yet. But sounds like your week went well. I had my 1st final today. Went great. So hopefully my weigh in goes as good.

    I am excited to hear how everyone else is doing!

    Hey Rhi.
    We weigh in on Fridays just FYI. I'm glad you like the site. I loooves it! haha. I miss you btw! OH and This site is addicting sorry if I didn't mention that before...
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    thanks ashmarie! Good luck with the rest of your finals!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Well I am excited today. I lost a pound this week! I had a really good workout last night with my personal trainer so i think that may have helped a little bit. I hope everyone else did well this week, and good luck to all who have finals coming up! :flowerforyou:
  • wmb0124
    wmb0124 Posts: 44 Member
    no weightloss this week...still at 159 :/ i havent' been trying though. give me some motivation!
  • sollygirl
    OK so im down 3lbs this week!!Today I had a cheat day or cheat meal we went to chilis but i decided to have it today so it doesn screw up next weeks weigh in. We need a new challenge to add, which might i add i totally forgot about the chewing challange at chilis today. Any ideas anyone for the challange??
    I passed both my finals A and C!!! now only two left!!

    Hope everyones weigh in went well.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Good Job Solly!

    up to 175 for the week. Guess i gotta step up the cardio.
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey Ladies, Sounds like it was a pretty good week.
    I am down two pounds for the week. Considering stress, lack of time and convenience of fast food on campus Ill take it. At least for this week.
    Maybe this week we can come up with a better challenge that will help us to stay on track. How about a work out challenge instead? Everyone work out at least 30 min cardio a day and check in everyday to let everyone know you did it? Idk. Anyone have any other suggestions for a challenge?
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Sounds like a good challenge to me.... but lets say everyone do 5-10 minutes MORE of cardio everyday... some people may do more than that and some people may to less so as long as we are adding to it! I actually lost 2 pounds, woot! Have a great saturday, I'm studying today...

    ~Leash :heart:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I agree with Alicia, i do different amounts of cardio on different days and sometimes its more than 30 sometimes its less, so I'd say everyone add 10 minutes of cardio to your normal routines everyday. Oh wait, that me a different suggestion haha. Should we add 10 minutes to cardio routines or add 10 minutes of cardio everyday, like add 10 to your normal cardio, but if you have non cardio, strength only days typically do 10 minutes of cardio as well. What do yall think? I usually do both when i workout so i'll be adding 10 to every workout no matter what we decide!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Lets just say add 10 minutes to whenever you do cardio, so even if its only 4 days a week add 10 minutes each time, as long as we are adding, it may be different for each of us, if some aren't doing very much cardio then it wouldn't be good to suddenly add 30 minutes everyday, does this make sense? So 10 minutes each time to your regular cardio routine... but like meg said if you want to do 10 min on the days your strength train thats great too! I'm off to the gym, weather is too bad to run outside, SO frustrating!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Sounds like a plan. 10 minutes should make a difference.

    Did a light day of 25 minutes on the bike and some triceps. Shins have been hurting lately, really need to get the extra weight off to make it easier on the legs.
  • sollygirl
    Ya that sounds like a good idea because I know I wont be able to make it to the gym everyday..I cant wait till winter break to be able to work out more!!
  • sollygirl
    I have no will power since cheating yesterday i feel like i want to eat everything i have been so good all day and now im about to get something from taco bell. I need to start working out at the gym in the morning otherwise i just dont feel motivated. So hopefully i have time tomorrow these finals are consuming my life not to mention i have to work tomorrow too. Cant wait monday when i know i will for sure be going to the gym and i'll only have one final left!!
  • newmommy2cash
    Love this!

    I just turned 25!

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  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Great job everyone and a really good challange!
  • sollygirl
    Im yet to work out i attempted to workout yesterday but my baby boy was not havin siiting there watching me, but i have only one class left so my schedule is now almost free other then work on the weekends so i now feel i have more motivation with all that stress off my back.

    How is everyone doing with the challange??

    I'm curious what time do you guys try to stop eating by. I have a horrible problem with eating to late!
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    My job kills me on eating late, but if i get home from work late and im no longer hungry for dinner, I will eat a luna or cliff bar, so at the latest i trying to have something like that before 1030. Otherwise i'll bring water with me up to bed so i can drink if i feel hungry.

    Tomorrows hard core gym day, gotta do a good run so hopefully i can make the extra 10 minutes without dyin...LOL

    Hope everyone has a good day!