Turn your Life around 20's



  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    sweet, sounds good. I have done Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and loved it. I'm going to start it again january 1 to jumpstart my year. Its good when you are in a time crunch because its only about 25 minutes, but you dont have a rest day which is what got hard for me.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey Guys! Well I failed in the chewing 30 times thing.. I was out of town all weekend coaching at the vb tourney, we did really well! We celebrated last night and I ate too much dessert, I feel kind of sick today! O well, I'll back at it today. I'm going to do spin class in the morning I think or go for a run, we'll see, hope you guys have a great sunday..

    sollygirl- That sounds sounds hard but a great workout!

    Ash- I always see the commercials for the core rhythms... let us know how your results are!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    This Challenge is crazy! I never ever remember! lol. Like maybe halfway through eating. I also don't ever actually make it to 30, usually 15. Its fine though!

    I think we should all start checking in at least once a day to update and get to know each other.

    Today has been a pretty bad day for me, Sundays always are. As there is way to much to snack on at church while i'm working in the nursery. Animal crackers are my arch rival. lol
  • sollygirl
    Hey well today has been such a busy day for me had to work 3 to 10 where i waitress at a mexican restraunt where im surrounded by food, but i was good and ate healthy i actually havn't cheated in the slightest bit since finding this site but that was only like 5 days ago but still this is the longest ive lasted. Tomorrow is my works christmas party all the food and desserts you want im pretty nervous i don't want to cheat im staying away from the dessert table for sure!!Well hope everyone is doing good!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey well today has been such a busy day for me had to work 3 to 10 where i waitress at a mexican restraunt where im surrounded by food, but i was good and ate healthy i actually havn't cheated in the slightest bit since finding this site but that was only like 5 days ago but still this is the longest ive lasted. Tomorrow is my works christmas party all the food and desserts you want im pretty nervous i don't want to cheat im staying away from the dessert table for sure!!Well hope everyone is doing good!

    I could never work there! Mexican food is my weakness! I'm so proud of you for not cheating there! ooo Christmas parties are killer, I'm sure you will do fine! be strong! count while chewing so that you take longer to eat and feel fuller, i hope : / I still haven't gotten the hang of it, or at least I just can't remember lol.
  • sollygirl
    Its deffintly my weakness too!! I could honestly eat there every day of the week if I wouldnt gain any weight by it, but ya i have been able to remember to chew as much as i can and i'll hopefully remember tonight. I'm just hoping they have a salad bar the last 2 yrs b4 this the christmas party was insane with every type of food and dessert you could think of and i deffintly ate it.haha.But not this time!Im also ganna make sure i stay low on my calories during the day just in case there is nothing healthy.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    This chewing thing was tough today. Completely forgot with dinner, attempted at lunch but didnt get past 15 much.

    Day 2 of drinking only coffee and water.... and it sucks! I never realized how much i love soda... all i can think of right now is the delicious Dr. Pepper sitting in my fridge.

    How was everyone elses day today??
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    The chewing still isn't going good. I honestly never make it past 20 at the most. That is when i do remember. I didn't enter in any of my food today. Just to busy with class.

    Ah no soda! I have come down off of caffeine highs a few times. I get a migraine for about two weeks. but since you are still drinking coffee, you're fine. lol

    I didn't work out yesterday, So i'm about to take a break from studying and work out for a while tonight.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey Girls!....

    Sooo I really need to go to the grocery store, I barely ate anything today, I just had a sandwich from panera so thats good but I don't like to go out too much... I CANNOT remember to chew that many times lol I'm doing it right now since I just read everyone's post... I'm going to spin class in the morning, hopefully it won't be full! It was soooo cold here today, I rode my bike to school and just about died! It was like 40 degrees, and thats COLD in cali! Have a great day tomorrow everyone :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    So as I have been doing horrible at eating, I have been exercising and I know I shouldn't go crazy with the scale but i'm sliding down. I always forget how amazing exercising feels and how much that helps you loose weight. My wii fit told me its concerned about me loosing weight so fast, I wish i could tell it that That happens when you get off the flippin couch. lol.

    Ah girl, I feel you. Fast food is sooo convenient on campus and I live quite a ways off. The shopping is kind of a pain, things seem to go to waste at my house because we don't eat it fast enough, then the next time when we get less we run out in like two days. Its just a battle you can't win haha.

    I hope all of you lovely ladies aren't too stressed out with finals (if your are still in school). Mine start friday. I am sooo ready for the semester to be over.

    have a wonderful day tomorrow!
  • sollygirl
    Well my plan to eat healthy went horrible. I didn't overeat but none of it was healthy and i ate 3 mini blueberry muffins i couldnt help myself we sat right i mean right in front of the dessert table, but i stepped on the scale and didn't gain anything thankfully!

    I cant wait till finals are over i'm deffinatly stressed out about them and havn't been able to work out much lately because of them.ugh!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    At least you didn't gain sollygirl so no worries!!! I can't wait til finals are over too Ash, I need a break! I'm so stressed out... I did spin class this morning, it was GREAT! I'm going to go to the gym again, cause I told my friend I would go with her, I need to go again anyways! ... then finally off to the grocery store!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey ladies! I am 23 and would love to join. :flowerforyou:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Hey girls :o)

    I see your chewing up to 30 thing per bite and thought I'd throw in another option for those who are not making it up to 30 :smile:
    hope you don't mind me poking in....I think i responded to this post the very first day and haven't been around on this thread since...

    anyhow moving on to the other option.... take smaller bites (or mouth/fork/spoonfuls) and put your utensil down between EVERY bite to slow down your eating :o)

    happy chewing! lol
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey girls :o)

    I see your chewing up to 30 thing per bite and thought I'd throw in another option for those who are not making it up to 30 :smile:
    hope you don't mind me poking in....I think i responded to this post the very first day and haven't been around on this thread since...

    anyhow moving on to the other option.... take smaller bites (or mouth/fork/spoonfuls) and put your utensil down between EVERY bite to slow down your eating :o)

    happy chewing! lol

    Great Idea Thanks!!! Hopefully I will do better with this one!

    MShay we are glad to have you! Fridays are weigh in days, whenever you get around to it. And we are trying this challenge of chewing 30 times each mouthful, but as you can see above we got some great new ideas because the chewing thing just wasn't working haha.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey girls :o)

    I see your chewing up to 30 thing per bite and thought I'd throw in another option for those who are not making it up to 30 :smile:
    hope you don't mind me poking in....I think i responded to this post the very first day and haven't been around on this thread since...

    anyhow moving on to the other option.... take smaller bites (or mouth/fork/spoonfuls) and put your utensil down between EVERY bite to slow down your eating :o)

    happy chewing! lol

    Great Idea Thanks!!! Hopefully I will do better with this one!

    MShay we are glad to have you! Fridays are weigh in days, whenever you get around to it. And we are trying this challenge of chewing 30 times each mouthful, but as you can see above we got some great new ideas because the chewing thing just wasn't working haha.

    Thank you!! I did try the 30 bites and that can be real difficult with yogurt! haha:laugh: But I really like the idea of smaller bites!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Polliesgirl- Good call, I try and eat with small forks and spoons especially if its dessert cause then it lasts longer!

    Mshay- Welcome!!!!

    I finally went to the grocery store, I got some turkey burgers, never tried them but they looked good at trader joes... wow they have a lot of tempting sweet stuff out right now!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • Lindsay25
    I'm 25. I want to get back to the size 5 i was when i was 21. Its so hard. I look at my size 5 jeans and its hard to believe that i actually fit in them at one point. i want to wear them again!
  • Nicole039
    Nicole039 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 24- I would love to join! Need all the support I can get. I've lost about 20-25lbs. since I initially started changing my lifestyle. I am aiming to lose about 80lbs. all together. It has been hard and challenging, but it is important to stick with it and become healthier! I feel great!! Anyone live around Harrisburg, PA?
  • Lindsay25
    I want to lose 35 lbs. Its so hard to eat well and diet when you live at home w/ your parents still. I cant afford to buy my own food right now and all my mom gets is unhealthy stuff. She wont listen when i tell her to get certain things, even tho my whole family could benefit.