Turn your Life around 20's



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Welcome Melissas!!!!! We weigh in on fridays and our challenge for this week is to do 10 pushups a day, or maybe it was 20, not sure but meg posted it a couple days ago...

    Mshay- Glad you had a good weekend! :smile:

    My weekend was pretty good except for the few too many lemon bars I ate, I ran it off though, whew... I went home to my parents house. I like doing this cause my mom takes me to the grocery store :bigsmile: and I get a nice home cooked meal... my whole family eats healthy luckily :smile:

    Melissa (sparksfly)- I'm not really in losing mode but I try to stick from 1300 to 1500 calories a day, a little more when I run more than 6 miles. Good luck to ya!

    Have a good week everyone...

    ~Leash :heart:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I have not been doing that great lately. I let myself use the "I'm about to start" excuse to cram in carbs, but I am getting on track. I knew I was going to have some pizza so I kept my calls really low before hand, maybe a bad plan because I ended up having 3 peices!!!! But I am still under and will be full for a while so it should be ok. I have an event this weekend (A Ball at my law school) so I am trying to restrict myself extra this week so I look really skinny. Bad long term plan I know but I am hoping it will also jump start me back into nuetral eating habits come sunday.

    How are the push ups doing? The challenge was 10 but doing them the real way, no knees on the ground. If thats already easy for you try clapping in between each one. They are a great toning move, so I thought it would be good to work it in.

    Welcome new members! I hope everyone has a great week.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Howdy from Texas!
    Hope everyone is having a good week. Wont be able to weigh in until i get back home, so hopefully i can watch what i am eating so i wont be upset.
    Going to the grocery tonight - to pick up some other snacks and fruit tonight so i can eat something good for snacks and with breakfast.
    havent had time to do the push ups yet, but i am gonna catch up on all of them tonight. For those that are good at them, another suggestion is to balance your feet on an exercise ball/couch/bed/ something soft, will help build the stabilizer muscles in your chest/shoulders.
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Also, how many cals are you ladies sticking to a day?

    I am trying to stay at 1200, but its been tough for me lately. I will go about four or 5 days way under and then 3 or 4 days way over, so I need to stabalize myself!! That is my personal goal right now.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    What have you ladies been eating for dinner lately? Anyone have stubborn boyfriends/husbands that only want to eat junk food? \

    This is my dilemma. I eat really well at work and then I come home and I have requests for pizza, fried chicken wings, etc. My bf is a verrrrrryyyy picky eater. It's so tough!

    Off to Zumba!
  • FrankyOsage
    Oh my gosh, Sparksfly. My boyfriend is the same way. Insanely picky eater but really good cook! He is such a foodie, its hilarious how picky he is. I always go a little over my calories when he cooks so Ive just been slowly convincing him to cook marginally better foods and I've started cooking more often or just bringing my own steamed veggies to add to my meal. This way I still get his yummy cooking but I'm filling up on the good stuff so I eat less!

    But yay/boo he's on a two week buisness trip so its been two beers with hummus and crackers for Football night (WHO DAT!), eating out with the parents, and a bowl of cereal respectively the last three nights. Pretty terrible for sure, but right at my calories all three days!
  • sh2010
    sh2010 Posts: 12
    I'm 26, ready to make a change. Need to loose some weight before my trip to Mexico in May. I'm in!!!!!!!

    And yes - my boyfriend is like that as well. He loves to cook, and is very good at it, but he wants to bake everything with cheese :( He's very supportive, but since he is someone who doens't gain any weight, no matter what he eats, it's hard because he's never had to worry about calories in his life, and since he's 30, most likely never will.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Oh my gosh, Sparksfly. My boyfriend is the same way. Insanely picky eater but really good cook! He is such a foodie, its hilarious how picky he is. I always go a little over my calories when he cooks so Ive just been slowly convincing him to cook marginally better foods and I've started cooking more often or just bringing my own steamed veggies to add to my meal. This way I still get his yummy cooking but I'm filling up on the good stuff so I eat less!

    But yay/boo he's on a two week buisness trip so its been two beers with hummus and crackers for Football night (WHO DAT!), eating out with the parents, and a bowl of cereal respectively the last three nights. Pretty terrible for sure, but right at my calories all three days!

    Haha yeah but your bf is a good cook! Mine will burn anythingggggg! So I have to cook most of the time. Last night I made him ravioli and I had a few...like 3 yikes! I tried to make some chicken chili for myself-- two meals to make in one night ughh.

    Then I had some lowfat ice cream--- ugh so annoying how I mess up my day at night!
  • FrankyOsage
    Haha yeah but your bf is a good cook! Mine will burn anythingggggg! So I have to cook most of the time. Last night I made him ravioli and I had a few...like 3 yikes! I tried to make some chicken chili for myself-- two meals to make in one night ughh.

    Then I had some lowfat ice cream--- ugh so annoying how I mess up my day at night!

    Oh gosh!! Well he's lucky to have you cooking for him then ;D! But two meals, that's no fun! Chicken chili sounds pretty tasty actually and no shame in ice cream! Its good to induldge periodically (and I remind myself that doesn't mean every other hour!). I wogged on the treadmill today (Gym is back open!!!) for 45mins and had a bunch of calories to eat by bed time. For some reason, I decided a healthy meal of Nanaimo's and milk would be the best way. I was soooo sugarred up I couldn't fall asleep and felt ill! I guess that shows my body likes the healthy eating Ive been doing this month, I could put away a plate of cookies and be ready for more before!!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! Uhhh I suck at pushups... I played a couple hours of vb last night and then hit balls for a long time at my team today so my upper body was feeling tired so I admit I didn't do them yesterday OR today, shame on me! I did hit the gym and run though, whew... I'm going to be out of town again for coaching this weekend, I'm going to try and pack most of my food except for dinner. I hope that everyone has a great weekend, I have class tonight from 7-10.... later!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    i'm 20, turning 21 soon.

    anyone who has around the same weight loss goals as me feel free to add me!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    i'm 20, turning 21 soon.

    anyone who has around the same weight loss goals as me feel free to add me!

    Welcome feeny!!!!!!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • edo0012
    I'm 23 and need to get it together! : ) Let's do this!!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey ladies! yay! weigh in day!

    I have to admit i sucked at the push ups actually i sucked at the whole week i think i had fast food every day but today.

    I did loose .7 of a pound. So I can't be too upset with myself I guess.

    Any ideas for goals for the week? i was thinking a food goal usually we have exercise based goals. Maybe eat a healthy breakfast everyday? Idk how many of you run late like i do all the time and skip it or grab a bar.

    Some forums have a food and exercise goal... idk if we would want to do both something to think about.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies.
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey ladies! yay! weigh in day!

    I have to admit i sucked at the push ups actually i sucked at the whole week i think i had fast food every day but today.

    I did loose .7 of a pound. So I can't be too upset with myself I guess.

    Any ideas for goals for the week? i was thinking a food goal usually we have exercise based goals. Maybe eat a healthy breakfast everyday? Idk how many of you run late like i do all the time and skip it or grab a bar.

    Some forums have a food and exercise goal... idk if we would want to do both something to think about.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies.
  • FrankyOsage
    Fried pickles and margaritas are pretty much the two things that sum up this weekend.... An AWESOME weekend but boy am I feeling the naughty eating and lack of exercise today. And monday-thursday I had done so well! I'm off to go make it up with some yardwork and carwashing once it warms up a bit (38 degrees does not agree with my Florida girl sensibilities)

    Hope you are all having a good weekend too!
  • kmcfadden321
    Hi guys! I'm Kelly. I am new to the site. I am 24....will be 25 in March (ahh! that snuck up on me!). I have about 5-8 lbs to lose. I've done well before, but have gained these few extra lbs back over the past year and am having a hard time sticking with it this time. Hopefully this group can help me to hold myself accountable :)
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I had a Dr.s appt. on Friday and it had me at 156, which would be a loss of 2lbs for the week. I ate poorly this weekend because I was moving and had to "reward" myself I guess. Terrible mentality I know!

    Hope everyone is having a good week. I go out to California for two months for work starting this Sunday! I hope to take some of my per diem money banked and join a 24 hour fitness for the two months I am out there! Hopefully lose a LOT of weight when I am gone

    Anyone live in Cali????? :)
  • FrankyOsage
    Wow, I never thought of using per diem for a gym, that's a great idea! I guess I hope where ever I go has a gym in the hotel, if not well... that tdy is a wash ;)

    Good luck with the travel and sticking to your routine! Two months is a long time to be gone for work!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I had a Dr.s appt. on Friday and it had me at 156, which would be a loss of 2lbs for the week. I ate poorly this weekend because I was moving and had to "reward" myself I guess. Terrible mentality I know!

    Hope everyone is having a good week. I go out to California for two months for work starting this Sunday! I hope to take some of my per diem money banked and join a 24 hour fitness for the two months I am out there! Hopefully lose a LOT of weight when I am gone

    Anyone live in Cali????? :)

    I live in Cali... where abouts are you going?!

    ~Leash :heart: