What worked for me, getting back into running, was to set a time and stick to it. Starting I would commit to 20 minutes and complete that. Doesn't matter how far you go, or how fast (I'm up to 7 mile runs and still walk when I feel like it), but complete to 20 minutes no matter what.
I have five kids. Sounds perfectly normal. Try to be patient with him. It will pass. And your boyfriend shouldn't be eating his peanut butter cups, that's just wrong.
Not a movie: but my favorite quote from Count of Monte Christo. '"And now," said the unknown, "farewell kindness, humanity, and gratitude! Farewell to all the feelings that expand the heart! I have been heaven's substitute to recompense the good -- now the god of vengeance yields to me his power to punish the wicked!"
I guess whatever works for you. I think total calories and nutrician are the important thing. I recently spent a week eating only breakfast and dinner. I found that very satisfying.
My best was 5:22. That was over 20years ago. Most days now I average about 11 min/mile.
Having been thru a divorce with two kids; I can tell you it is much harder on the children than you may think it is. I would highly recommend councelling. As a general rule in life I would offer this: Never rush to do something that cannot be undone. Good luck, I wish you well.
Creeped, Stabler.
Sounds a little like Bevis and Butthead. Maybe challenge them to a spelling bee.
What a girl.
I don't think anybody is getting fat eating soup.
Look out for each other. Intervene if you think someone is in trouble.
April 7 229.2 lbs. Goal: 196 by July; 179 by next year.