FrankJ3rd Member


  • American by birth, and Slovenian by the grace of God.
  • You know you're from Sheboygan: When you eat some bakery with your coffee, When that bakery includes schneks, cement blocks, and mud pies, When you bring beer home from the tavern in a glass gallon jug, When you go down by the lake, When you reply in the affirmative with," ya hey aina", When you get a drink of water from a…
  • I'm from Wisconsin, but my grandfather was from Krska Vas SI. So where in Slovenia are you from?
  • Unless you are working out strictly for appearance, a good workout employs exercises that works multiple muscles together. Body weight exercises are great for this. Plank, pushups, squats, lunges and pull ups would work most muscles. As you progress, move to more advanced versions of these same moves. Normal activities…
  • When you walk, farther is better, but faster will only become difficult. You'll get discouraged on what's called chronic cardio and give up. Injuries can also become a factor. Try longer/slower cardio with short sprints every week or 10 days. You can do short intense weight training a couple times a week if you want to…
  • Nexium shuts down the hydrochloric acid pump in your stomach sending half digested food into your intestines. I doubt that does your intestines and colon colon any favors. Nexium also causes magnesium depletion. Magnesium is vital to muscle function -muscle as in heart. Two thoughts on acid reflux; Clean up your diet.…
  • American by birth. Slovenian by the grace of God.
  • It helps to know that each gram of protein or carbohydrate contains 4 calories. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories.
  • Our bodies/genes will adapt to and then demand to run on what we eat regularly. Eating too much sugar or carbs, which are immediately converted to sugar, will cause an Insulin spike .The body cells become Insulin resistant over time and greater amounts of Insulin are needed. Insulin also causes our bodies to produce Leptin…
  • I am Insulin dependent, and know how difficult this can be. Try dark chocolate with at least 70% cocao. The high fat content is very satisfying/filling and you'll only need to eat a couple squares. Contrary to conventional wisdom, carbs and not fat make you fat. I don't eat grains and keep carb intake to less than 100…