

  • I would suggest that you try to cook for 2-3 persons at a time so that you can have leftovers the next day. I also live alone and am mostly to tired to cook in the evening so some days I take something out of the freezer in the morning, and then when I get home I really have to cook it, or throw it away, and I refuse to…
  • Can you bring your own healthy breakfast? Can you exercise? Those things might help
  • Just keep going, most of the cravings will go away most of the time. Didn't you just love seeing the scale go down those 6 pounds? Imagine how good it will feel when it keeps going down :wink: I found that in the beginning I was always hungry and I thought 1500 kcal per day was to low so I went to the gym to earn my…
  • I'm sorry to hear about your friend, please enjoy as much time as you can with her or him, and please keep on working on your own health and happiness for that is the best thing you can do for yourself, your husband and your son, and I'm sure your friend wouldn't want it to be any other way. Congratulations on your new…
  • Yesterday was my third day of TOM and I finally allowed me some sweet, got some chocolate covered bananas, brazil nuts, almonds and dates, weighted out some of each and then enjoyed. It was totally guilt free since I've gone to the gym every day and I also think that helps with cravings. So I recommend exercising even if…
  • Thank you for your warm welcomes :) The positivity is great and yes, I can do it :) Good luck to both of you
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