dickster1961 Member


  • In the Primal Blueprint, Mark Sisson says that 50-100 carbs is the sweet spot for weight loss. The Keto sites all recommend getting down to around 20 grams. I set my MFP goals to be around 10-15% carbs which is around 68 grams for me.
  • I read Wheat Belly and am just about finished with Grain Brain. I found it to be very interesting. My mother is suffering from Alzheimer's and was recently diagnosed as having gluten intolerances. She is now on a gluten free diet. At one point, I believe she was also getting close to being pre-diabetic. I have been trying…
  • I was in to see my doctor yesterday and we were discussing ways in which to lose my belly fat. Of course we talked about diet and exercise, but I also asked him if there were any supplements that he would recommend and he immediately said CLA so I am going to give it a try
  • In the past, I would cook enough protein, usually boneless chicken breasts or hamburgers, to pack for my lunches with either a salad or some frozen vegetables. Leftovers from the night before work as well. Lately, if I haven't prepared something in advance I have a can of tuna along with a salad
  • nope, there are other free apps out there
  • thanks for the advice. I am trying to get at least up to 1800 calories per day but it has been a bit of a challenge. working on it
  • interesting. I checked out the calculator that you shared for men. It gave me a recommended daily calorie goal of 2023.9 per day to lose a pound per week. The same info on MFP gives me a goal of 1670 per day.
  • thanks for the encouragement. the mini goals has really helped me mentally. Of late, the pounds are coming off a little more slowly, so having them in 10 pound increments will help keep me from getting too discouraged
  • Maryland here. Will send you a friend request
  • my wife makes it with a little butter and fresh dill and just bakes it in the oven
  • I set my goal to lose 1lb per week and have a daily calorie goal of 1750. Most days, I end up between 1300-1500 calories.
  • definitely have not reverted to the bad habits. Same diet as the last 10 weeks. Well under calorie goal
  • I weigh myself daily every morning. As long as I stay under or at my daily calorie goal I do not worry or stress if I see the weight go up a half pound or pound as I understand there can be fluctuations daily. Sometimes, I even weigh myself just before going to bed. I know I am a couple pounds heavier at that time than I…
  • that's when I do it
  • I know a lot of people who set their weight loss goals at 2 lbs a week and end up with a 1200 calorie recommendation. I personally went with a 1 lb a week goal and originally it gave me a daily recommendation of 1850 calories. As I have lost weight, I have adjusted my goal down to 1750 calories per week. I try to stay…
  • I have to have my morning coffee. I have stopped going to Starbucks and getting the lattes and such. Usually brew a couple cups with my Keurgic each morning for my morning commute and use a little fat free half and half and splenda.
  • first-go to the tools tab and select tickers and customize it to how you want it to look. then, go the message boards settings area and click the box next to " Show your MyFitnessPal ticker below each of your forum posts"
  • I have read a number of different things regarding the "8 glasses a day" of water. I come down on the side as @Bobby_Clerici in that any drink that has water in it counts. I also have read that when that recommendation was put in place, it also counted the water content in your food as part of the recommendation. In other…
  • This is my second time trying to use MyFitnessPal. The good thing is this time I have a couple friends in the office and my wife doing it at the same time. Having the wife involved really helps because neither of us are tempted to bring our trouble foods into the house. I set my calorie goals by using the tools here. I set…
  • I weigh myself every day, though sometimes it gets a little frustrating when you know you had a good day the previous day by eating all the right foods and staying under your goal only to see an extra pound show up. I know it is just a fluctuation, but it gets discouraging all the same.