Has any one tried CLA?



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    And thanks for the apology, there's really no need in trolling anyone who has a different opinion than yours (or others). I think we all agree with what DavPul stated, I just chose to skip his last statement. CLA is certainly not the worst thing someone could buy, we might as well all say the same about every single naturally occurring supplement out there. Points have been taken here, I don't see the need for double posting the same study over and over, re-adding the same quotes.. the point has been taken that certain folks here think it's a waste and OP can read through all the posts herself.
    The point that Dav was making wasn't that the CLA made the difference. You've missed that... and I'm not trolling you. If I were, I'd recommend green coffee extract enemas or something else stupid that wouldn't make a difference. I'm sorry you missed the point here.

    I got that point and again, not referring to you, talking in general terms. Like I said and agreeing with you here that there are so many supplements out there, just wanted to make it known that some bodybuilders do use it.. its their money to spend (or not). I think CLA can compliment a fat loss regime but I also agree with DavPul that people can go without. Cheers
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I am using it with Betastax and it seems to be working. I also changed my diet by eating mostly veggies and fruits instead of processed foods maybe that could be helping. I have seen it does help reduce fat though.

    Can the trolls come out and attack this post too? Never heard of this stuff, sounds like a money waster, more so than CLA. It's kinda funny cause the people posting about how it doesn't work are the ones who are already built - therefore, it wouldn't have an effect on them whatsoever.

    Trolls apparently are people who disagree with you? Even ones that actually cite peer reviewed studies? Right! Got it. Not sure what 'built' means, but you may want to look at people's tickers.

    I was referring to you actually.. it's kinda sad that you have so much time to quote my posts in order to re-add someone else's quote to reaffirm your opinion. Let me have my opinion, I let you have yours. We saw your studies, in fact last year I read that same study. Most of us here can research ourselves, thanks for posting it but it didn't need to be quoted twice. That is why you come off as a troll.

    I posted studies...that makes me a troll? Really? Okey dokey then. I addressed the repost above.

    Suggestion: learn what the word troll means.

    And lolz re the comment about so much time...lets see who has spent the most amount of time one this thread?


    Have a good one :laugh:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I posted studies...that makes me a troll? Really? Okey dokey then. I addressed the repost above.

    Suggestion: learn what the word troll means.

    And lolz re the comment about so much time...lets see who has spent the most amount of time one this thread?


    Have a good one :laugh:

    I usually do...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am using it with Betastax and it seems to be working. I also changed my diet by eating mostly veggies and fruits instead of processed foods maybe that could be helping. I have seen it does help reduce fat though.

    Can the trolls come out and attack this post too? Never heard of this stuff, sounds like a money waster, more so than CLA. It's kinda funny cause the people posting about how it doesn't work are the ones who are already built - therefore, it wouldn't have an effect on them whatsoever.

    Trolls apparently are people who disagree with you? Even ones that actually cite peer reviewed studies? Right! Got it. Not sure what 'built' means, but you may want to look at people's tickers.

    I was referring to you actually.. it's kinda sad that you have so much time to quote my posts in order to re-add someone else's quote to reaffirm your opinion. Let me have my opinion, I let you have yours. We saw your studies, in fact last year I read that same study. Most of us here can research ourselves, thanks for posting it but it didn't need to be quoted twice. That is why you come off as a troll.

    I posted studies...that makes me a troll? Really? Okey dokey then. I addressed the repost above.

    Suggestion: learn what the word troll means.

    And lolz re the comment about so much time...lets see who has spent the most amount of time one this thread?

    Yeah that kind of confused me. Posting studies that support an opposing argument equals troll now? That's new.

    And to point out - you said it was unnecessary for Sara to re-post her study, yet you re-posted Dav's post...and not only that you, you messed with the quote to fit your point. And I say messed with because adding the bottom portion of it really does change the tone and message.

    ETA: Sara's post was really on re-posted once. It wasn't like she was spamming the threads with it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I got that point and again, not referring to you, talking in general terms. Like I said and agreeing with you here that there are so many supplements out there, just wanted to make it known that some bodybuilders do use it.. its their money to spend (or not). I think CLA can compliment a fat loss regime but I also agree with DavPul that people can go without. Cheers

    This is actually about the right of it. I actually DO have CLA sitting on my shelf right now. I think, anyway. I haven't used it in months and honestly can't remember if I ran out or not. I think that part speaks volumes for how effective I believe it is.

    So my original post, while sarcastic in tone, was the stone truth of the matter. Feel free to try it, but the only thing you can count on is the deficit and exercise. Maybe it helps 2-5%. Who knows?

    I really don't have a problem if someone wants to fit CLA or ketones or whatever into their budget. It's your money and your body. But WAY to many people try to make the miracle pill the center of their plan instead of diet and exercise.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I am using it with Betastax and it seems to be working. I also changed my diet by eating mostly veggies and fruits instead of processed foods maybe that could be helping. I have seen it does help reduce fat though.

    Can the trolls come out and attack this post too? Never heard of this stuff, sounds like a money waster, more so than CLA. It's kinda funny cause the people posting about how it doesn't work are the ones who are already built - therefore, it wouldn't have an effect on them whatsoever.

    do u even lift brah?
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    I am using it with Betastax and it seems to be working. I also changed my diet by eating mostly veggies and fruits instead of processed foods maybe that could be helping. I have seen it does help reduce fat though.

    Can the trolls come out and attack this post too? Never heard of this stuff, sounds like a money waster, more so than CLA. It's kinda funny cause the people posting about how it doesn't work are the ones who are already built - therefore, it wouldn't have an effect on them whatsoever.

    Trolls apparently are people who disagree with you? Even ones that actually cite peer reviewed studies? Right! Got it. Not sure what 'built' means, but you may want to look at people's tickers.

    Of course, what we really need is anecdata, not science.

    All these answers where people say "it works" but also adjusted their exercise and/or diet should tell you what you (OP) should really be focusing on.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I am using it with Betastax and it seems to be working. I also changed my diet by eating mostly veggies and fruits instead of processed foods maybe that could be helping. I have seen it does help reduce fat though.

    Not "maybe". The changing your diet part is what IS helping. The pill is not what's doing the work - YOU ARE. Own that, don't give it away to a pill that isn't doing a damn thing.
    Can the trolls come out and attack this post too? Never heard of this stuff, sounds like a money waster, more so than CLA. It's kinda funny cause the people posting about how it doesn't work are the ones who are already built - therefore, it wouldn't have an effect on them whatsoever.

    I am unaware of any pill that says "THIS DUDE HAS LIFTED TOO MUCH WE CANNOT ENGAGE, SIR" and reverses course for the next overweight person.
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    hey OP...take the crap, just you plan on.
    lose the initial weight, and when you decide you dont wanna pay for the crap anymore and gain weight back, cmon back and reread the responses in here. then, do it right and enjoy the successes brought to you by dedication, will power, and hard work. (just like those who told you NOT to take the crap)

  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    spend the money you'd be spendind in the supplement store on grassfed meats and eggs. Yah, you don't get as much as you would from a pill, but its in its natural form, rather than processed and extracted. And you'll eat better in general.
    thanks... your are so right
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    When Oprah is skinny then there might be reason to think Dr Oz found something that worked.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    I have taken it and as long as I stayed on the suggested foods it worked... I have looked at a lot of the things which Oz has suggested and some work for me while others well don't do so well... Keep doing what you are doing... And as you said there is no magic pill....but there are some out there that do help.... Keep losing..you are doing great....
    thanks.... I think i will stop taking it after a month for a month just to see the difference
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I tried CLA and it worked great!!!! The only thing that while you are using it, you have to make sure you're eating in a calorie deficit. Oh, and doing some exercise will help too.

    1. Eat in a deficit.
    2. Exercise.
    3. Use CLA

    Bonus tip. As long as you are doing 1 and 2, you can replace CLA in #3 with virtually any product you want to blow your money on.
    this answer is win.
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    hey OP...take the crap, just you plan on.
    lose the initial weight, and when you decide you dont wanna pay for the crap anymore and gain weight back, cmon back and reread the responses in here. then, do it right and enjoy the successes brought to you by dedication, will power, and hard work. (just like those who told you NOT to take the crap)


    ok so maybe you didnt read anything I posted?!?! :grumble:
    lets try reading before we post!
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    ^Well.... that was random
  • ShiraDarling
    ShiraDarling Posts: 232 Member
    I have been taking CLA for a few months, I take about 6000mg a day. I haven't lost any weight while using it, but I have noticed a difference in my body composition. My stomach is leaner/flatter. I can't say it's just the pills doing this, but I like to think they have a little something to do with it. They also help to really clean out the system.
  • dickster1961
    dickster1961 Posts: 29 Member
    I was in to see my doctor yesterday and we were discussing ways in which to lose my belly fat. Of course we talked about diet and exercise, but I also asked him if there were any supplements that he would recommend and he immediately said CLA so I am going to give it a try
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I was in to see my doctor yesterday and we were discussing ways in which to lose my belly fat. Of course we talked about diet and exercise, but I also asked him if there were any supplements that he would recommend and he immediately said CLA so I am going to give it a try
    walk back and slap your dr.

    CLA doesn't target belly fat. Nothing does.

    You wanna lose belly fat? Ensure you're at a caloric deficit, burn fat everywhere else, and eventually it will come off around the belly.
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    I don't know if CLA works, I am trying it out to see if it helps with my efforts because several thyroid books by Drs. have suggested it to give it a try. I don't think its a magic pill. I exercise 6 days a week and eat clean too. But just for arguements sake here is study that is in favor of CLA to reduce fat and not weight. I found on the NIH publishing site so its an actual study.

    Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat in healthy exercising humans.
    Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O.
    SourcePAREXEL Norway AS, 1 Lillestrøm. erling.thom@parexel.com

    Erratum in
    J Int Med Res 2002 Mar-Apr;30(2):210. Dosage error in published abstract; MEDLINE/PubMed abstract corrected.
    This study was designed to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of daily conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in healthy exercising humans. This was a random-double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 20 healthy humans of normal body weight and body mass index less than 25.0 kg/m2, who did standardized physical exercise in a gym for 90 min three times weekly. Participants took either placebo (hydrogel) or CLA 0.6 g [DOSAGE ERROR CORRECTED], three times daily, as two capsules during meals, for 12 weeks. Body fat, measured using near infrared light, was significantly reduced in the CLA group during the study, but not in the placebo group. No effects on body weight were observed. Tolerability was good and similar in the two groups. Compliance, as judged by the number of returned capsules, was more than 80% of the recommended dose for all participants. Thus CLA reduces body fat but not body weight in healthy exercising humans of normal body weight.