Fluffy1962 Member


  • I'm right there with you. I can be great all week long and then the weekend rolls around and I have absolutely no will power what so ever. I feel like I'm the only one in my family as well as friends that struggles with weight issues!!! I am going to have to develope a stonger backbone to stay away from the bad stuff... I…
  • Thanks, this is very handy to have!!!
  • You are awesome! Kudos to you for your hard work and pushing through. You are an inspiration!:flowerforyou:
  • Thank you! I needed to read this! I was sitting here feeling bad about taking 4 months to lose 25 lbs. I was thinking I was way behind schedule. An unrealistic schedule I made up in my mind, I might add! Reading what you wrote gave me that thump in the head that I needed. I need to count my blessings and appreciate what I…
  • Bobby Flay's Honey-Rum Baked Black Beans.... Awesome.... http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/Bobby_Flays_baked_beans.html
  • WoW! You look fantastic! Like a totally different person! Great job and a true inspiration...
  • You are absolutely right! Now I have new way to look at my ticker. Great job by the way, it has taken me months (plural) to lose what you have in one! Awesome job! Carolyn
  • Awesome job! You look amazing! I love seeing these photos, such an inspiration! Carolyn
  • I know what you mean, I've been out of school 30 years! I started working out regularly a couple years ago. Burned out - actually "hormoned" out! Yes, it's that time the dreaded "CHANGE" ... Do yourself a favor, get and keep the weight off now, once I hit peri-menopuse, it was much easier to gain weight and in so many…
  • You look beautiful! What a transformation. You inspire me. I can't wait until I can post a 50+ loss... Just keep doing what you are doing. You are right about picking yourself up after a fall off the wagon. Time marches on regardless, we can quit and remain unhealthy or pick right back up and continue on our journey! It is…
  • Congratulations, you look wonderful. Keep up the great work!:happy:
  • Quaker High Fiber Instant Oatmeal with cut up banana, craisens and chopped apple... I keep this stuff in my office for quick lunches... Have a greek yogurt to eat before heading to the gym after work...
  • I will not give anything up! I eat/drink it in moderation. I have learned from past tries that if I limit myself or restrict myself from certain foods I'm only setting myself up to fail... MODERATION is the key to life! just my opinion!!!
  • Happy Birthday! You look wonderful! Congratulations on reaching your goal... I'm traveling the same road myself, trying to get fit for the big 50!!! You are an inspiration!!! Keep up the good work, Carolyn
  • Citron Vodka with Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade, yummy!!! Perfect for summer!
  • WooHoo! So glad I found this post... I, too, love my wine, beer and spirits... I am a weekend warrior. I cut out any alcohol during the week and now am strickly work, gym, etc... during the work week. Come Friday and it's happy hour as soon as I get home from the gym... I have drastically cut back on beer and wine and have…
  • The thing people say that really drives me nuts? " Muscle weighs more than fat." No, no, no... a "pound" is a "pound"... Doesn't matter if it's muscle, fat or feathers, a "pound" of anything is still 16 oz... A pound of muscle is more dense and takes up less room than a pound of fat... so if you have lost inches but are…
  • Count me in.... MON –Calories Burned: 400 ~ Under Fat: YES TUES – Calories Burned: ### ~ Under Fat: Y/N? WED – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? THU – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? FRI – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? SAT – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? SUN – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat:…
  • Awesome, keep up the great work!!!
  • Lost 7 lbs in April. Went to the gym at least 5 times a week. Only had 5 jelly beans on easter - no chocolate. Did have a few drinks every week, but didn't let that derail me into eating poorly.... Stuck with it!!!!!!
  • You look amazing!!! Great job.... I can't wait to be down 50 lbs... What an accomplishment.... I'm green with envy!!!!:bigsmile:
  • I know exactly what you mean. I happens worst in my work out pants. You know right when they get broken in and are just about your favorite "comfy" pair... Oops there goes the inner thighs... I started cutting them off to use as sleep shorts. I have about 8 pair of "daisy dukes"..... Can't wait for this to stop!!!!…
  • Thanks Jiggly, I've been really watching my fat intake keeping it to 25 - 30 grams per day and also watching my starches. I tried to keep my starch (pasta, bread, potatoes, etc..) to one a day, but that was not realistic for me so I am trying 2 a day. If I have a starch at breakfast then it's veggies and protein at lunch…