dscampbell1979 Member


  • Good to know. Thank you! Honestly I'm not great at tracking calories and if anything tend to over estimate how much I consume and under estimate calorie burn from workouts (perfectly explained in my worst case scenario personality lol) so wanted to make sure that wasn't hurting any muscle gains I could be seeing.
  • I don't know that's why I asked. Wasn't sure if the cardio was causing my body to burn muscle instead of fat. Is this not a thing? Swear I've read this is possible.
  • Thank you for the personal insight! You could be into something with the salt. I'll bet I eat more than I should lol Much as I hate tracking food because I know I'll obsess I guess maybe I need to for a couple weeks. Maybe the exercise IS making me over eat
  • Well bummer. I figured that's what I'd hear. I've only tracked calories once in my life and it made me obsess over food. I actually gained weight then. Otherwise I've weighed the same weight since I was a senior in high school until now (and post partum of course lol)
  • Yoga! But in particular downward facing dog, standing forward bend (legs together and wide legged), and seated forward bend (with one straight and the other bent) or sage twist. Check yoga sites for proper form and really get your tail bone up for a good stretch. You should get relief right away.
  • 5'9" here! I fluctuate between 141-144 and am looking to get back down to about 136. Pants are US size 3/4 and tops are a small. Hoping to start lifting so I can build muscle and whittle my measurements down more so than lose weight.
  • It does have a chest strap and I plugged everything in properly. Seems to be working fine as I run at a pretty steady pace when not climbing a hill and the HRM reflects that. I wouldn't call myself unfit. I've always been an active person but only recently started exercising consistently. I can pretty easily run 5 miles…
    in HRM Comment by dscampbell1979 May 2014
  • Great Thanks!
    in HRM Comment by dscampbell1979 May 2014
  • Yes ma'am. The Polar FT7.
    in HRM Comment by dscampbell1979 May 2014
  • Mmmmm chocolate protein shake! You had me at chocolate! I think the "magic" is why I have never looked into it lol
  • I am thin and get told constantly that I need to just eat a cheeseburger. I don't necessarily want to lose weight. The advice I've been reading on here says I can't get rid of the " baby belly" and saddlebags unless I lose weight. Is this not true? I'm hoping to start lifting heavy weights within the next few weeks to…
  • Ha! Yes! The coke was from a rare night of having drinks with friends. I've not convinced myself yet that the dangers of artificial sweeteners is worth saving the calories. It's not a regular thing so I guess it wouldn't hurt to switch.
  • Is protein powder healthy? Safe? Having never done any research on it I guess I had always assumed it was a " fitness gimmick." Is this not the case?
  • Also where can I find non meat sources of protein. I'm not anti meat. I do eat plenty just obviously not enough to meet my goals.
  • I am eating back most of my exercise calories. In fact those calories are my motivation to run just a little farther ;) I think upping my calories to 2000 would make me so much more satisfied. And I love the idea of calorie cycling. I think I could get on board with that. Eggs for breakfast sounds like a great idea also.…
  • Wow! I am overwhelmed by the response! Thank you all so much. I am going to come back and open my diary and respond to everyone as soon as I get my little guy down for his nap. Just didn't want y'all to think I wasn't listening. Real quick though...my diary is not super accurate. I literally only started logging last…
  • For truely free range eggs look for a local backyard chicken keeper, maybe at your local farmers market. We have at times kept chickens that we never fed because they "foraged" for all their food. The yolks will be dark orange and the whites will be white instead of clear. Super tasty!
  • Hello! Want to wish you luck on training for a half! This is my ultimate goal within the next year. I started the zero to 10k program from run double 3 weeks ago and was able to run my first 5k race this morning! Finished with a 32:52 time. Not the greatest but a huge success considering I failed gym class twice in high…
  • I am very new to running so take this for what it's worth. I have gotten rid of heel pain, knee pain, and ankle pain by simply consistently stretching my calves. After lots of googling I came to the conclusion that the calf muscles being tight can really pull on a lot of other muscles causing pain. My calves have been…