5k101 fitness plan - any new runners out there?

hllday Posts: 11 Member
Hey all,

I'm super new to this but I just wondered if anyone was doing a 0-5k running plan? Would be nice to get to know the community of new runners on these forums!
I'm doing Todd Lange's program and I'm halfway through week 5 (3x 8min running intervals with 2min rest) - having trouble with running too fast when I'm outdoors and can't directly control my speed like I can on the treadmill! It's going well overall though (:

I've got a half marathon planned for September (I've done a few 5Ks and a 10K in the past, so hopefully this isn't out of my reach) and I'm aiming to lose a good stone or so before then!
Anyone looking to do something similar?

Hattie xxx


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I'm on week seven of C25K; trying very hard to run the whole 25 minutes without stopping right now!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    congrats on the training. it sounds like you're doing well.

    it can be difficult to control your speed when outside. i find that for longer distances, beginner runners would do best holding themselves back, especially when going for longer distances. remember, it's about getting the endurance in, not about the speed.

    if you're planning on doing a half, i recommend you look at a good half marathon plan, like the ones on the bottom of this page: http://www.nyrr.org/train-with-us/training-programs/nyrr-half-marathon-training-program they're typically ten weeks long.

    this is a trick i like to do for training for races- go to your calendar, and work your way backwards from race day and write in your work outs. i use google calendar. and as you work your way further and further back, you'll be doing shorter and shorter distances.
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    I'm trying to be able to run a 5k and just started week 3 of c2 5k. I have the same problem with my speed outside. Also I have astlhma so I'm not running outside yet as the temperature has been too cold for my lungs.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'm trying to be able to run a 5k and just started week 3 of c2 5k. I have the same problem with my speed outside. Also I have astlhma so I'm not running outside yet as the temperature has been too cold for my lungs.

    i have asthma, and i run outside. the secret is to warm up really really good, make sure to take your medicine, and to pace yourself. breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth. try and take three steps with every breath in, and three on the breathe out.
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    I'm trying to be able to run a 5k and just started week 3 of c2 5k. I have the same problem with my speed outside. Also I have astlhma so I'm not running outside yet as the temperature has been too cold for my lungs.

    i have asthma, and i run outside. the secret is to warm up really really good, make sure to take your medicine, and to pace yourself. breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth. try and take three steps with every breath in, and three on the breathe out.

    Ah...you mean walking! :bigsmile: When it's above 50 outside, I'll give it a go. I did some in the fall but cold air is a trigger for me anyway, and when it's 42 and windy, I'm inside. Thank you for the tips about 3 steps in and out, I'd not heard that and will try it!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I had the same problem with controlling my speed. I use rundoubles app for a C25K and I had it tell me my pace periodically, and I have found that has really helped. I can kind of tell how fast I am going so I don't burn out before I finish.
  • dscampbell1979
    dscampbell1979 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello! Want to wish you luck on training for a half! This is my ultimate goal within the next year. I started the zero to 10k program from run double 3 weeks ago and was able to run my first 5k race this morning! Finished with a 32:52 time. Not the greatest but a huge success considering I failed gym class twice in high school because I refused to run lol
    Working towards running 5k three times a week and mountain biking 10k each of the other three days. Hoping to get my husband motivated to get his weight bench out so he can work with me on strength training.
    Would love to make some friends on here for inspiration and motivation!
    As for controlling my speed, I also like that the rundouble app tells me my pace throughout my run. I also read some advice stating that as a new runner I should really concentrate on my breathing. If I can't carry on a conversation then I am going too fast. I just concentrate on the sound of my breath and making sure I completely exhale. I have to really concentrate to push out all the air in a breath. Hope that makes sense...so far it has kept me from running beyond my ability and getting too tired to finish properly.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hello! Want to wish you luck on training for a half! This is my ultimate goal within the next year. I started the zero to 10k program from run double 3 weeks ago and was able to run my first 5k race this morning! Finished with a 32:52 time. Not the greatest but a huge success considering I failed gym class twice in high school because I refused to run lol
    Working towards running 5k three times a week and mountain biking 10k each of the other three days. Hoping to get my husband motivated to get his weight bench out so he can work with me on strength training.
    Would love to make some friends on here for inspiration and motivation!
    As for controlling my speed, I also like that the rundouble app tells me my pace throughout my run. I also read some advice stating that as a new runner I should really concentrate on my breathing. If I can't carry on a conversation then I am going too fast. I just concentrate on the sound of my breath and making sure I completely exhale. I have to really concentrate to push out all the air in a breath. Hope that makes sense...so far it has kept me from running beyond my ability and getting too tired to finish properly.

    Steady breathing also helped alleviate the side splits I got when I first started running!
  • hllday
    hllday Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all your responses - it's so nice to see so many people working hard :D
    I've just done work-out 2 of the 5 week one, and tackled the 8min intervals with no problems in the gym.
    I'll probably run it a couple more times before moving up to week 6 with 12min intervals.

    I'm off to Montreal in a few weeks time, so I'm going to see if I can maintain running out there even whilst I'm on holiday!
    My boyfriend hates exercise other than walking, so I'm thankful he won't see me with my head about to explode from redness :p
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    I'm trying to be able to run a 5k and just started week 3 of c2 5k. I have the same problem with my speed outside. Also I have astlhma so I'm not running outside yet as the temperature has been too cold for my lungs.
    i have asthma, and i run outside. the secret is to warm up really really good, make sure to take your medicine, and to pace yourself. breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth. try and take three steps with every breath in, and three on the breathe out.
    Wanted to say thank you. I found a 5k this morning at the last minute. First one I've attempted anything but a walk. Finished around 41 mins, dead last, but I'm proud to have done it. I tried your breathing tip but too late. It did help and I'll get used to it. It was 42 degrees and damp so the fact I did it at all is an accomplishment for me. Have another lined up next Sunday. :)
  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    I used to hate running , but I was doing a program similar to this.
    After a while I got a little better at it, but i didn't stick with the program because i was able to go without it :)
    Now i just run, i never plan on how long or how far i'll run, but usually i run a few blocks or something, i take different roads every time and i just run at a slow pace, not too slow but not too fast either.
    So it's still easy to breathe and all. (You should still be able to talk normally.)
    Last week i was able to run 4K in 30 mins! :)
    It just gets better after some time of good practice.
  • hllday
    hllday Posts: 11 Member
    I used to hate running , but I was doing a program similar to this.
    After a while I got a little better at it, but i didn't stick with the program because i was able to go without it :)
    Now i just run, i never plan on how long or how far i'll run, but usually i run a few blocks or something, i take different roads every time and i just run at a slow pace, not too slow but not too fast either.
    So it's still easy to breathe and all. (You should still be able to talk normally.)
    Last week i was able to run 4K in 30 mins! :)
    It just gets better after some time of good practice.

    Woo! That's awesome :D
    I did my first run/walk 5K in 35.25 yesterday, which I know is pretty slow but I'm aiming to do a 5K in around about 30mins when I have built up my endurance a little more.

    Got a question for everyone, too - my calorie goal for each day is 1,200; if I burn 600 at the gym am I supposed to go up to 1,800? I know this seems like a really dumb question and the answer should be yes, but I know some people just have 1,200 every day AND exercise on top without having any 'extra' calories to make up for the ones they burnt at the gym.
    I'm pretty new to doing the whole diet/exercise this way (i.e structured and not crazy :p)