How do you change the ratios.I cant figure it out
I havent weighed myself since my initial weigh in. Im tring to lose 20 pounds by may 16th. Im gonna weigh myself on the 15th
Theres a documentary out there call Fat Head. You can watch it on net flix. It covers this very subject in great detail and has some pretty funny parts too.. Its a GGGRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT documentary.Check it out, I'll let you decide. As for me i chose saturated fats in moderation.
keep up the good work man!!!!!!
thanks everyone
So am I supposed to make up the calories I burn during exercise? I thought the point was to get rid of them.
Thank you!!!!
hey kayla. Im Brandon, Also new to the site. I can tell you though there is great support here. Post any question and your sure to get a response. Keep fighting the fight, you can do it!
k. lol. u win. thanks for the reply. After that I'm finishin off the last couple and I'll stick to water