

  • You can do it! I myself have been over weight for years. I ate junk food every thing. What made me stick with the life style change is I WANTED it. You need to find your "want power'. yes in the past I went on an off diets and exercised becasue I felt I should but really had no desire. But when i started seeing results I…
  • I eat the Cliff Builders because it has 20g of protein. I like them because there portable and work in a pinch to get in calories n protein .And they taste good. I like the Peanut Butter and Choc Mint. I dont know about using them if your trying to loose weight. I suppose you could use them as a meal replacement because…
  • Wow, thank you all! I thought 300g of protien was a lot. One of my buddies who's in top shape and his wife is a personal trainer recomended that number. I can do all of my sets with 5 lb hand weights. I tried my husbans 10lb and to my satisfaction could do some excersizes with them. @Novatri-Ha ha, no I dont want to be a…
  • I've done all of Jillian Michaels DVD's. I love them! But if you want some serious work in your arms do Bob Harper:Inside Out Method! Make sure you have the heavest set of hand weights you can handle and you get results. No more flabby arms.