

  • my wife claims that I go through it! I actually do have some days each month where it feels like I have no control over myself.
  • As a man I apologize for his behaviour and obvious hypocrisy with claiming to be a Christian. What kind of guy has a person move to another continent for him, only to break up with that person once she's there? A PRICK, THAT'S WHO! Sorry if i'm being offensive but I cannot stand it when so-called "men" act like this. He's…
  • I'm sending my wife to the phillipines for month. She's a midwife and she'll be working in a birthing clinic. And if I have enough leftover, I'm getting myself a BMX!
  • I have a 3 month old black lab, a 1 1/2 year old tabby and 5 kittens that are really starting to piss me off!
    in Pets Comment by jfiscer May 2008
  • There's alot you can do with tofu! I used to cut it in half width-wise and marinade it. Then I would either grill it or saute it. you can then make a sandwich with it or you can cut it up and add to stir-fry. you can cut it into strips and make fajitas, you can toss it with salad. There are a ton of ways to make tofu tasty!
  • I started to ride my bike last summer. The first couple of times out really sucked! I couldn't pedal uphill at all, that was pretty embarassing seeing as how I used to ride my bike and skateboard everywhere when I was in high school. Anyway, once my legs got used to it again it was very relaxing and peaceful, even when I…
    in Biking??? Comment by jfiscer May 2008
  • I used to feel the same way. I was never active growing up so when it came time to run the mile in gym i was one of the last ones to finish. Last year I decided I was going to run no matter. Every night for a week I would go to the park and run around it. At first I could only jog for 30-40 seconds before I couldn't…
  • I had this done when I was in high school, all I remember is the pain during the surgery. The next day I looked like a chipmunk, my cheeks were so swollen, but I remember being able to eat with no problem. I'm sorry you have to experience this!:frown:
  • I, too, was raised in a family where we never let anything go to waste. It's difficult for me to leave food on my plate everytime I eat. A trick i've learned for when we go out to eat is to ask for half of the original dish, even if it costs the same as a full plate. That way I can still clear my plate without feeling…
  • thats kinda what I thought. thanks for confirming it!
    in P90X? Comment by jfiscer May 2008
  • Has anyone tried this video workout? I'm thinking about buying it but I'm not sure if it'll be a waste of money... any opinions?
    in P90X? Comment by jfiscer May 2008
  • I took a cardio class at an MMA (mixed martial arts) gym one time. 1 hour and 15 minutes of skipping rope, sprints, jumping jacks, lunges, bear crawls, sidesteps, rolls, etc. There were 9 guys in the class and we ended by sitting in a circle doing sit ups. we did 20 sit ups for each person in the circle, nonstop. I…
  • Okay, I made up for my "treat" this morning. I walked 1 mile to and from Subway for lunch today. After eating and adding my walking time, I still have half of my calories left for the day! I feel alot better now. Thanks again for the encouragement guys!:happy:
  • I feel for ya, I get headaches like this occasionally and the only thing that gets rid of them is excedrin, but I take that only as a last resort. I know it sounds silly but try drinking a couple of cups of tea with honey, this helps me sometimes.
  • thank you all for your encouragement! And thank you May for reminding me that food is fuel, not a reward.
  • I thought I would treat myself for eating so well this week so I stopped at McDonalds this morning. I ordered a McSkillet burrito, hash brown and medium orange juice. Well, I didn't realize that I just ate HALF MY CALORIES for the day!:noway: Now I feel like crap and it's Friday. Oh well.
  • hey banks, you mentioned your BMI is 24% now. If you don't mind me asking, what was it before you started working out and eating right?
  • check out www.dietfacts.com, it seems to have Applebee's complete menu listed.
  • Thanks for the replies!
  • Hello all, my name is jeramy and I just joined the site two days ago. I have a basic question: Is it a good idea to go for a long walk after eating a full meal? I've always been told this by other people but I've never thought about what benefits this would have.