

  • Im from Plano, TX (dallas) represeentttt
  • I have no idea, but I work out with my husband when he gets home, usually around 9:30, and end up in bed around 11... ive noticed I have been sleeping alot deeper and waking up before my alarm. I alot myself a 20 minute cool down in between.. Whatever works for you I guess, but I am no professional by any means!
  • AM : 3 pickles (15 calories!!) and a white chedder rice cake 45 cal) PM: 100 cal popcorn pop smart
  • I had the same thing happen to me on day three. I was so scared how I would feel when I woke up the next morning. I powered through and took it easier on the lunges and stuff, and the next day I had no soreness at all. Just make sure you strech really well and do not push harder than you are able. If it gets too bad, just…
  • She has a great hand weigth set at walmart, I got three sets (3lb, 5lb and 8lb) plus a holder thingy for 28.00$. better than the two loose weights i was about to buy for $20. I started 5 days ago and I was so sore the first three days but now I am not. I plan on starting the 2nd phase after i can do it all the way through…