khicks91011 Member


  • I got a great one at Target..Its a NewBalance N4, has a chest strap and is very comfortable. It was $69...and i tell you when i started using it is when i started to loose. I had been on MFP for a month or maybe 6 weeks before i got it. Happy shopping!!
  • chin up, the slower the loss, the more permanent because your making life changes that will last...its easy to loose 10lbs in two weeks but it all comes back....your doing fantastic, stay positive! :)
  • as horrible as it sounds I do the diet coke and a large popcorn that my fiance and i share...BUT I do allow for it in my calories lol, i know its still not right but thats a special outing for us and I enjoy it....I have lost 18 lbs since February and we have probably been to the movies 4 or 5, forget cake or…
  • I would suggest a heart rate monitor...MFP is great but i believe they are a little high on the estimation of calories burned in their database for excercise. I have lost 13 lbs so far, 6 with MFP and i stalled for two weeks back in March. I went and got a HRM from target $69 that had the chest strap. When i started using…
  • Hey, i looked at the polar ones but i was also on a budget when purchasing a HRM. I ended up getting the New Balance N4 from Target it was $69.00. It has a chest strap, and it also holds up to 9 workouts in memory (either 9 or 10, after i log it on here i always erase it) it works great I love it. The strap is very…
  • oh i totally get where your coming from about the heavy duty sports bra, however i do use the new balance HRM that does have a strap that sells for $69 at target, i love it!!! its accurate and very comfortable. I do not feel restricted or binded in anyway and usually forget its even there!!! i have seen some others that…
  • zumba is awesome i do it once a week, however i also do fitness kickboxing, i had no idea that my local martial arts place had such a class...its awesome, huge calorie burner, a lot of fun and a lot of it does take pressure off problem areas because your not doing the same motion over and over until your time…
  • i would recommend only using it for the time your exercising only