diabetesdieter Member


  • I got a vegetti that does the same thing. It was like 11 bucks at Bed Bath and Beyond with the 20% off coupon. It works great : )
  • Hi Tamara, I eat cheese, almonds, nori, hummus & low carb pita for snacks. I want to get off my metformin if possible. So, I totally understand your goal. Good luck! Kerri
  • Hello and welcome! You've already taken a great step toward health. I wish I had not ignored mine and paid better attention. You can get your blood sugar in check before you develop full blown diabetes! Weight loss and exercise are key. I wish I had paid better attention when diagnosed with gestational diabetes! Kerri
    in New Comment by diabetesdieter March 2014
  • I am super anal about checking my blood sugar. I test 7-8 times a day so I know exactly what affects my blood sugar and how. Every one else had a great ideas why it would rise. Slow digesting carbs can make it rise slower. Also, the live releases glucose which is why my fasting in the morning is higher than when I go to…
  • I've had just guacamole & celery sticks for dinner. So yummy and divine! Low carb too : )
  • The one exercise that helped me get to my goal weight three other times (yes I'm a chronic yo yoer) was running. Walking helped me lose some, but running (even small amounts to start) usually gets my loss to about 3 pounds a week and later 2 as I get closer to my goal...
  • I eat three small meals and two snacks. Usually I eat cheese sticks or almonds for snack. Sometimes nori! If my bs is a little high from a meal I won't eat the snack. Usually mine is back to the 120 2 hours after my main meals and the snacks don't have that much impact. I also love South Beach caramel nut bars. I know they…
  • Aspartame in diet drinks can cause your brain to react adversely. Many migraines are caused by artificial sweeteners.
  • You'll quickly find this group to be very knowledgeable, supportive and friendly-eager to share their experiences on what works for them and what doesn't-while reaching towards our goals. Thanks for the welcome Bob! It seems like a great group!
  • Hi everyone, I was just officially diagnosed two months ago (on my 5 year old's birthday). I have lost 25 pounds since and have been exercising over an hour each day. I am probably a little obsessive about my diet now, but my dad died at 60 from diabetes related heart disease (I am adopted, but still have it!). The moment…