

  • Yes, try ordering a salad with no dressing. I have always done this even before getting healthy just because I don't like dressing. People think this is the weirdest thing in the world.
  • I'm currently a 12, was a 20 when I started this journey. My goal is to be in single digits. 6 would be ideal but I would be perfectly happy with an 8. I think any smaller then that and I would start looking like I have an eating disorder.
  • I HUbby has always gone that and in the past I have always caved and ended up gaining my weight back. This time around I have not given in and now not only have I not gained the weight back, he has started working out and has actually lost 40lbs himself. We were both overweight so I think he was afraid if I got into shape…
  • you look amazing!! Keep up the great work!
  • I actually weigh less now then I did in high school. and I plan to lose more!
  • I just bought it yesterday but haven't started it yet. From what I have read it is mostly strength/weight training so I was thinking about alternating days. Doing No more trouble zones Mon, Wed, Fri and doing my cardio Tues, Thurs, Sat with SUnday off.
  • when your slightly crude coworker tells you that you are "as tiny as a motherf*cker"
  • circuit training...27 minutes
  • It will slow down a little once your body is used to the water. When I first started drinking my water I was probably going every 45 minutes. Now I drink 12-15 8oz glases a day and don't do nearly as much.
  • I eat dinner before I workout. I eat about 5-5:30 when I get home from work, do my workout about 6:30. I try not to eat after 8pm but I will have a light snack if I am super hungry (being hungry makes it harder to get a good nights sleep).
  • The 30 day shred is one of Jillian Micheals workout dvds. It combines Strength, cardio, and ab training into a 20 minute workout. It works great and is inexpensive ( about $9 at most stores)
  • I started small. Walking the dog, using stationary bike/elltipical. After about 4 months of that I decided to give running a try. My first run I was able to do 1 mile without stopping today I did 4miles. I haven't been running frequently because the days that it is super hot/humid I prefer to stay inside and use my bike or…
  • I loat 4-5lbs a week for the first 3 weeks of my healthiness. That wasn't even excerising just eating healthier. Thats normal, it will slow down significantly.
  • You can tell in the pictures. I lost 45lbs before anyone I see regularly noticed. Now it seems like everyday someone else says something about it.
  • One thing that I have found is that the site doesn't give me enough calories. I kind of stalled for a while, once I kicked up my calories I have been losing steady for several months. Maybe try eating your 1900 instead of cutting a couple hundred out.
  • I'm in! Aug 1st weight: 179 End of month goal: 174
  • I usually lose more while on period for some reason I can't explain. Everyone is different. If I do hold extra weight it is the week before my period, but even that is rare and has only happened a few times.
  • Its different for everyone. The week before TOM (not realizing it was) I weighed in and was up 3 lbs, I had had a bad week eating and exercising so I assumed it was that. The week off time I stepped on the scale and not only were those 3 lbs gone but an additional one too. I would still weigh in for consistancy sake but…
  • I have always had that problem even when I was thin. I have to buy a size larger for the girls or wear a tank underneath and leave the top couple buttons undone.
  • It has taken me 6 months to lose the 56 lbs I have lost. I don't know because there is a lot I can't account for at the moment but I am guessing it will take me at least 2 more months to reach 70 lbs lost. I am hoping to have lost 102lbs (my total goal) by Feb. ( thats when I started)
  • Welcome from a fellow Michigander!! I currently live in Metro-Detroit but spent some time it the U.P. for college. Sending a friend request your way!
  • You long as you have yourshave my self set for a sedentary lifestyle. I my settings as active so therefore I dont count my active job as excerise.
  • I am extremely jealous that you are almost to maintance. Anyway, obviously this isn't from personal experiance but I have heard then in maintance mode, you should weigh yourself everyday. Obviously you are going to falucuated a little but that way if you start noticing an upward trend for a few days in a row you can crack…
  • you can't make her get on board if she isn't ready. Just set an example and be encouraging when she is ready.
  • For me, Helen is from Ferndale, MI
  • I still have another 50 lbs to lose (already lost 52 lbs).
  • A lot of celebrities are seriously underweight for their height, so fo you too lose those last 5 lbs because thats what the celebs weight could be putting you in an unhealthy position. Our bodies have a mind of their own if you are having a really hard time losing those last lbs, maybe that is your bodies way of telling…
  • I did 9 days on level 1 and then 10 days on each of the other two levels. I used 5 lb weights the whole time because that was all I had.
  • I think it depends on the school. My dining hall had a huge salad bar, a made to order vegatarian section. It really had pretty healthy options. Unfortunately I was more drawn to the ice cream bar then the salad bar...