katana73 Member


  • What if you put a lock so only your friends can see your recipes? What needs to be done on their side to see it? Thanks
  • Lol..I do Insanity at the gym once a week and I understand how you feel. You may try increase the amount of protein you eat on the days you do Insanity. This may help with the hunger
  • I have had my Fitbit for about a month now and from what I have read, with the Fitbit, you should only be entering exercise into MFP and not directly in the Fitbit. Because MFP is not able to calculate calories for weight training exercises individually, I enter all my circuit and weight training under Cardiovascular. I…
  • I was able to consistently maintain my 56 lbs weight lost for a little over six years. I did gain back about 12 lbs of that but I have made adjustments in my diet to help with dropping those pounds. The one thing that helped me ensure that I stay on top of my habits is.. journaling (my fitness pal), watching my caloric…
  • That is makes for a very difficult and daunting journey. Not to menton it messes with your head. Aim to start weighing only once a week, first thing in the morning. You may want to work on your self - talk :-) Good luck!