

  • I brought it up with her, but like most doctors, her response was, "You shouldn't have many side effects on such a low dose." Which has proven not to be true for me with many, many drugs. Yet this is the response I get the majority of the time when I ask. I've found it's more helpful to discuss these things with a…
  • Good to know. :) Maybe I'll be one of those lucky women who don't have any trouble with it.
  • Thank you for the reassurance, everyone. Just feeling kind of down because I was doing so well. But I think I'll be all right. I've already got my meals for tomorrow planned, a bunch of light foods, so hopefully I'll get back on track soon enough. On the bright side, I went out and bought some athletic shoes today and a…
  • Your mom is projecting. She's pushing her issues onto you because she isn't ready to confront them herself. The best thing you can do is just ignore it and try to set some boundaries. You're an adult and you have every right to tell her that you don't want her to be involved in your weight loss anymore, although you…
  • I have a neurological condition, and weight loss has been shown to help some patients, especially those who are overweight. It took me a long time to find the motivation, though. For the first year after diagnosis and the year leading up to that I was pretty damn exhausted all the time and didn't want to do anything. I was…
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