

  • I too had high BP but now I'm off of em. After the first month of taking this elixir I noticed my BP was starting to creep back in the normal range. After the 3rd month my BP was normal! I asked the Dr. if I could ween myself off of them and he said yes, but just check it periodically. He said my BP would spike up a bit…
  • I'm a 54 yr old male, soon to be 55 next month. I'm 5'9", 190lbs. and I work out 3 days a week atr the gym. I'm not Mr. muscle man or I mean I definately don't have a ripped body, but I can still bench press 225lbs a few times by myself with no spotter! lolol Not bad for an ole fart huh? As one get's older though you do…
  • Then I'd win your money cause I've been working out at the gym for years! lol But exercise and proper Diet don't always work for some people. It's heriditary for some who just can't break down the bad cholesterol.
  • Me too! Here's what I do...I buy the single serving 6 pack of V8--LOW SODIUM V8...There's also another drink called V-Fusion by V8. It's tasty and has all the veggie power you'll need. Just stick with the low sodium or the V-Fusion stuff...Yummy!
  • I’ve been on this Apple cider/honey elixir now for going on 6 mo. and I feel great! 6 mo. ago my cholesterol was on the high side at 242 and my LDL was 157. Now my other numbers were ok and my HDL was high enough to where the Dr. didn’t write up any prescriptions for statin drugs. However, he did warn me that if I didn’t…
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