

  • 66.9kg 16 april 2011 64 goal weight by 08 may 2011, sorry not sure what this is in pounds :-)
  • Im in, i'll weigh tomorrow, and put up my weight and goal, do we then just return to this post to write on our loss each week ?? it's also mothers day here in australia on may 8th, and we have family visiting i've not seen since xmas, so will be great to lose weight before we see them again :-)
  • I never count cleaning, and go hard at it for about 2 hours everyday, cleaning 2 bathrooms, vacuming, mopping ironing etc, as this is part of if i was trying to lose weight or not, so for me it's an everyday thing, i only count exercise i have to make myself go out and do, because i do have the choice there, but cleaning i…
  • Thankyou i will, that sounds good, where would i get that from ?, can i get it over the net ?, as im in australia. and well done :smile:
  • Thanks for that, yes i think im gonna play around with my diet a little, and get out walking at least, it hasn't helped that it has rained almost all week, and walking is my best form of exercise, think i'll get out the yoga dvd i have if im restricted again .
  • and how could i forget i also have a big problem with my tummy area :frown:
  • now i am all weight up top, big boobs, big arms, round face, hardly any bum, thinner legs , i am so top heavy, and my biggest areas are always the last to go, now if i do cycling, that just slims down my legs and bum even more, swimming i kinda start bulking up, but toning my top half and toning my legs, so walking is a…
  • yeah i did it :tongue:
  • Ah I see, Thankyou for that :happy:
  • bump thankyou :happy:
  • Thanks again guys for the replies, im gonna have a good think about my meals and plan when possible, i have found some great recipes on here, even for the pickiest eater that i am, and not feel too guilty if i do have the occasional splurge, i will probs up my excercise if i have done though, some really good ideas and…
  • Thanks guys, for all of your replies, and now i know, i can still do this with the occasional splurge, and won't feel too guilty, so i'll plan ahead and i'll let you know how im going :happy:
  • thanks for all the replies, im gonna have just have a good balance for a long term weight loss, i should have said im starting today, i have been pretty good with my food , snacked on crabmeat, and been for a 35 mins walk . just want to start this right and stay with it, i am currently 67kgs, height 5'3 and would like to…
  • thanks, i pretty much asked myself the same questions, i just thought that maybe with less healthier food you'd probs just eat less throughout the day, where as if it were the more healthier option , then you'd just probs eat more food throughout the day, but can't see me losing too much if i chose the non so healthy…