I notice over the years, the first thing to go is my belly.
A little on the thighs, not enough on the back side..
And it drives me nuts.
My arms are pretty nice. Working on that cut.
My calves are nice too.. Don't need any more work on them..
It's just the thighs and the butt.. They are always........
The last and the slowest things that goes..

My fiance says.. You'll never lose that "ONION"
You'll never lose those thighs.
Don't you get it.
You are made like I like 'em.
Thick, short, strong upper body, and sexy...

But I want to lose some thigh weight. I want to lose a little butt.
I want abs like Jackie Warner.. BUT NO!
My belly and boobs go first and fast.
My thighs and butt.. Well, they just want to hold on and stay the same..
My arms are sweet.. But the rest of me.. UGH:huh:
Makes me lose my freaking mind...:grumble:
:sad: WHY!


  • antoineuk78
    antoineuk78 Posts: 5 Member
    honestly....if i can lose my...err...MOOBS....lol...and my belly im good...if i can be a HEALTHY 240...ill be happy....i just dont know how i would look under 200
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I am built exactly the same way! I wish I knew the answer!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I always lose from my boobs first...luckily I've got enough to spare. LOL. My face and belly/luv handles tend to slim out rather quickly too. My thighs and upper arms are always the last to get slim which sucks for me because I've alwyas dreamed of having "skinny girl" arms.
  • krystleRD
    krystleRD Posts: 188 Member
    You should do some donkey kicks they work your booty and legs.. Just type in donkey kick excersise in your search engine and go for it...
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Chica!!!! My boobs and waist are first to go but I have a VERY round rear! My waist is 12 inches smaller than my hips! Seriously! lol AND solid muscle thighs with a little insulation.... I am struggling with my arms ( you lucky girl) and my damn saddle bags! haha Stick to it. We all store weight in different places, otherwise we would look the same. As you progress you will feel better and better about certain parts. And you will be happy to have some curve. :-D Better than looking like you are 12 years old ;) hehe Keep it up, I know the feelin!
    I'm going to start calling myself.. TYPO QUEEN! :bigsmile:

    Krystle, I do frog squats.. Look it up on youtube.. GREAT, and my butt now is like muscle, but still I have some soft squeeze going on. But I'll add them in..

    Justsummie, we are in the same boat. I'm going to upload a pic of where I stand now.
    And you will see just how "thick" the lower half of me is.

    Jenneyd, me too! On knowing the answer.. Why I can't pick and choose who goes first.
    BOOBS or BUTT.. BUTT! I choose you, but I can never get it to work like that.. ODD HUH!

    Antoineuk 78, MOOBS should always be the first to go. Then the belly, because men have a nice lower half.
    And 240 would look great on you.. How tall are you? If you are 6+ then it would look "GREAT"!
    I uploaded a pic so you all can see my trouble area in my photos.. And I mean trouble..
    How do you upload pics in BLOGS and in THREADS? Anyone..
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I am all *kitten* and thighs, boobs (what little I have) are always first to go. The sad thing is , even when I do reach my goal weight, I will still be all *kitten* and thighs (big thighs). I tend to naturally build muscle there so even as I lose the fat, the thickness remains just all muscle. Just my build I guess.
    I am all *kitten* and thighs, boobs (what little I have) are always first to go. The sad thing is , even when I do reach my goal weight, I will still be all *kitten* and thighs (big thighs). I tend to naturally build muscle there so even as I lose the fat, the thickness remains just all muscle. Just my build I guess.

    ME TOO! I am the same. No matter how hard I work these area's.. The muscle mass grows thicker and also faster.
    Yeah, I can see myself losing "some" fat but.... It is what it is, but I'll like to see less of it.
    I've even tried to stop lifting weights.. PRESSING weights with my legs to see if I get some change, and no go.. Nothing happen.
    Running on the treadmill, and it was like my legs was just in motion, but the fat was not leaving there.. Isn't that a (BLANK:mad: )
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I am all *kitten* and thighs, boobs (what little I have) are always first to go. The sad thing is , even when I do reach my goal weight, I will still be all *kitten* and thighs (big thighs). I tend to naturally build muscle there so even as I lose the fat, the thickness remains just all muscle. Just my build I guess.

    ME TOO! I am the same. No matter how hard I work these area's.. The muscle mass grows thicker and also faster.
    Yeah, I can see myself losing "some" fat but.... It is what it is, but I'll like to see less of it.
    I've even tried to stop lifting weights.. PRESSING weights with my legs to see if I get some change, and no go.. Nothing happen.
    Running on the treadmill, and it was like my legs was just in motion, but the fat was not leaving there.. Isn't that a (BLANK:mad: )
    me three!!! Tree trunks for thighs! BUFF too, but i want them to fit into pants!!! haha
    Shawnalee, That was too cute... We all got some thigh and butt issues don't we..
    Sometimes I go.. NOT MY BOOBS.. Take the BUTT...
    I worked too hard to get 1 "D" in my life.. Not the boobs..
    BYE BYE "D" hello "C".. Can't I have a bad grade for boobs once..
    And I'm not talking F's.. But my sweet old D.. and not Double DD but D..
    I'm telling you.. This weight loss thing can be good but it takes away what you think is good on you..
    And leave the bad.. LOL!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Shawnalee, That was too cute... We all got some thigh and butt issues don't we..
    Sometimes I go.. NOT MY BOOBS.. Take the BUTT...
    I worked too hard to get 1 "D" in my life.. Not the boobs..
    BYE BYE "D" hello "C".. Can't I have a bad grade for boobs once..
    And I'm not talking F's.. But my sweet old D.. and not Double DD but D..
    I'm telling you.. This weight loss thing can be good but it takes away what you think is good on you..
    And leave the bad.. LOL!
    haha tis true! It is a frustrating process but so much of it is loving ourselves and noticing the things we appreciate about ourselves..... I was once a 38DD and I am now nearing a 34D. I don't know if I can get much smaller haha BUT I totally get you! :-D
    Shawnalee, That was too cute... We all got some thigh and butt issues don't we..
    Sometimes I go.. NOT MY BOOBS.. Take the BUTT...
    I worked too hard to get 1 "D" in my life.. Not the boobs..
    BYE BYE "D" hello "C".. Can't I have a bad grade for boobs once..
    And I'm not talking F's.. But my sweet old D.. and not Double DD but D..
    I'm telling you.. This weight loss thing can be good but it takes away what you think is good on you..
    And leave the bad.. LOL!
    haha tis true! It is a frustrating process but so much of it is loving ourselves and noticing the things we appreciate about ourselves..... I was once a 38DD and I am now nearing a 34D. I don't know if I can get much smaller haha BUT I totally get you! :-D

    I'm glad you get me Shawnalee, because I'm telling you.
    This weight loss thing is a roller coaster..
    You want the ride, but you don't want to lose the good goodies on the outside.
    I'm barely a 36 D myself, and it drives me crazy.
    Go to a C and it don't fit as good as it should.
    Go back to the D, and it's a little room in them..
    Sometimes I just want to put a pair of sock in my old bra and call it a day.
    I must enjoy what I have.. But I do not want "PANCAKES" for BOOBS..
    HELL~NAW! not going for that.. Just give me some booty loss.. Let's leave the boobs alone..
    It seems like.. Its one thing you want to lose the most.. In my case.. It's always the thighs and the butt.. Just some.. Leave me a little curves.. BUT! When it comes to losing weight.. UGH! It's always the things you never had until you got fat going in the first place.. Like my boobs.. :laugh: :ohwell:
  • kel798
    kel798 Posts: 17
    now i am all weight up top, big boobs, big arms, round face, hardly any bum, thinner legs , i am so top heavy, and my biggest areas are always the last to go, now if i do cycling, that just slims down my legs and bum even more, swimming i kinda start bulking up, but toning my top half and toning my legs, so walking is a better option for me, as i tend to lose all over, ...so back to your question, id try the cycling ???
  • kel798
    kel798 Posts: 17
    now i am all weight up top, big boobs, big arms, round face, hardly any bum, thinner legs , i am so top heavy, and my biggest areas are always the last to go, now if i do cycling, that just slims down my legs and bum even more, swimming i kinda start bulking up, but toning my top half and toning my legs, so walking is a better option for me, as i tend to lose all over, ...so back to your question, id try the cycling ???

    and how could i forget i also have a big problem with my tummy area :frown:
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    now i am all weight up top, big boobs, big arms, round face, hardly any bum, thinner legs , i am so top heavy, and my biggest areas are always the last to go, now if i do cycling, that just slims down my legs and bum even more, swimming i kinda start bulking up, but toning my top half and toning my legs, so walking is a better option for me, as i tend to lose all over, ...so back to your question, id try the cycling ???

    and how could i forget i also have a big problem with my tummy area :frown:
    Spinning, or cycling is great!!! I swear by it a couple times a week, after my circuits. But spinning actually gives me more muscle and defines it. :) I have yet to find something to thin my thighs, really.... I just want a couple inches to go so I can get into 8's!! I will just keep pushing it! :)
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    It's always teh Boobs that Go First. I'm only a B. I can't lose them. I'll look a guy on the top half if I'm not careful!
    I struggle with my butt/Hips. Though lately i've been doing alot of squats, lunges , Side Lunges,
    though this is my first trip past 40 Lbs. So I'm not sure what till start leaving next. I'm Hoping my arms, I hate having Chicken Wings.
    Well, I am a weight lifting lady. Cardio.. Spinning, HIIT programs, and also a lot of turbo jam..
    Oh and I can't forget my stairs and step machines.. I for one.. I can't go all cardio. 3 days a week tops..
    Walking I can do all day everyday.. No prob.. Swimming.. I can't drink all that water.. I can, but I don't trust anyone in the pool with me.
    Thanks to some kid in 1987.... Cheese Head:mad:

    Anyway, I love my muscles in my legs.. I love them being thick in som good kinda ways.. I just want the inner thigh to stop giggling so much.. The touch. As in that gap girls have.. No thighs toughing... NO! WON'T Happen.. Don't plan for it to happen.
    Just give me 23" on my legs.. And I'll be happy. Just 4 inches.. that's all I ask for.. 4 inches lossed on the thighs, and 10 off the hips and back side.. If there a person who can grant me that one wish.. LOL!

    Maybe I'll call JENNY! Or see if I can get on NBC the biggest losser.. Because the belly is gone.. The arms are nice.. But these hips.. HELL! They got to come in just a little... JUST a little..
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I am built this way as well I wish I knew the answer as to why I have so much butt/ thight weight. My upper arms tend to go a lil slower as well but atleast they go sumwhere after a while! The most frstrating part about this, is even once I loose weight and am more comfortable in my clothes I am still buying larger sizes to go over my butt/ thighs and then they are too big in the waist! My boobs are gone be fore I can blink, matter of fact I think thats were all my initial weight loss comes from! I go from having boobs to having fried eggs....bra shopping anyone? uggg!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Lol we, are all there aren't we! I have urge same pants problems and I hate belts cuz my pants bunch. :( current measurements are roughly: 39.5, 34 (32 at most narrow), 42..thighs 25!! I am
    with ya lynn.... 23 would be wonderful!! I would be content with 39, 30,40or39ish I think... Anyhow, too bad we can't control where we burn fat. That would help! Lol
    Lifting heavy is great!,i do strength training as well, mostly along with my circuits with some heavy days, some high rep days..to mix it up! :) I am the same about cardio! Hiit for running and spinning, and intense circuits 4 days a week! :) I love being strong!