grumblefluff Member


  • I was drinking that anyway, since I didn't calculate that my water glass was 16oz, so each of my 8 glasses was actually 2, now I just keep it at that because it seems to be working for me LOL
  • I gotta say, I worry about it too...Call me vain all you want, it doesn't change that its a concern for me. It won't keep me from losing the weight, but I'm going to do everything I can to avoid it. I have no interest in either staying fat OR looking like a flying squirrel I was offered the lapband and got through all the…
  • The awesome red suede boots (with the biggest calf I could find) that I got for my birthday, the ones that wouldn't zip up past my ANKLE and made me cry...I just put them on and zipped them ALL THE WAY UP! They are still a little snug, but they went on! (and seriously, they make me feel like a a superhero) Those boots were…
  • I don't have a scale either, can't see the numbers over my gut anyway LOL...but my local Walmart and Kroger stores have blood pressure monitor with a scale on it, you just put your feet up on it and it does its thing and I can read it and everything...I weighed 302 to start, so IDK what the limit is, but it seems pretty…
  • WOW! That is so awesome! I was REALLY sedentary, and could barely move, and my knees were failing when I started also, so you give me hope that it won't be this way forever. I am currently in an epic battle with an elliptical myself...started at 2 minutes, have worked up to 7min/.25 miles on it after a few weeks, and my…
  • I don't like to be too full when I walk, but I do like to have a little something about an hour before for energy and then something protein-full about an hour won't gain everything back if you eat after as long as you eat less than you burn
  • Way to go!!!! You guys look great!
  • I am so sorry this happens to all of us, but so glad there's not just something wrong with me :)
  • Add me, I'm an everyday-er!
  • Me too....I just posted a 'Sorry I ramble on about my weight loss' status on Facebook...LOL. Everyone was VERY kind, and said that they actually don't mind at all. I do try to mix in other stuff...keep up with current events, that I'm not ONLY talking about it, but I am lucky to have a good support system who…
  • The first step is a big one! WTG! Just keep taking those steps..and you will get there! I have a long journey too, but I took that first step 3.5 weeks ago, and I take more steps every day (literally, since I can't do much more exercise than walking yet LOL) Welcome to the gang, we're happy to be your support team!
  • We are in the same boat...I almost died when I saw the scale said 302...I didn't waste any time getting to work on it. I set my first goal at 250, which is the weight I was at before I spent a year on my butt stuffing 3500 calories a day into my mouth, depressed and sad after losing my job...but I'd like to see 150 before…
  • WTG...The beginning is the hardest..I hope LOL. I'm also 41, and I've also lost 12 lbs...have a lot to go to get down to fighting weight, but I'm gonna try 52 lbs to start...add me if you want, I've been using MFP for the whole 3.5 weeks I've been at it, but just started getting social about it.
  • Mine is at 1450 for now.....I usually stay between 1200 and 1450, almost never less because I love to eat but I don't eat my exercise calories because I work too damn hard for them... Also, I work nights, so my Dinner and Breakfast are kind of reversed, so it might look silly to you....IDK if my diary is 'open' but you can…