A big girl with a long way to go...



  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I started out at 268. It took me almost twenty years to finally lose the weight. It can be overwhelming to think about all the weight that needs to be lost. Like others have already said, small goals do help a lot. My first was to get into the 250's, then it was the 240's etc. Also, if you do mess up and fall off the wagon occasionally (and you will) it's not the end of the world. It doesn't mean you have failed and that you should just give up. It means your human. You can only fail if you quit. NEVER EVER give up.
  • aliciadub
    aliciadub Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, Jen.

    I have been fighting this battle for the last 25 years...nearly half my life. Congratulations for beginning the journey well before I did.

    I couldn't agree more with the great advice you've been getting: breaking it down to smaller goals; staying the course after an off meal or day or week; logging every bite that goes in your mouth; loving yourself enough to embrace a healthy lifestyle. All of these are key components of my life now, and I feel like I am surrounded by positivity on MFP. You are welcome here.

    I also found that journaling and dealing with my emotional baggage was key to getting my mindset right. Once my thinking is right, my actions just sort of naturally follow. You know the saying - thoughts become actions, actions become habits, habits become values...well, that's been really true for me. I've watched how folks here have integrated new habits in their lives, and it gives me the courage to make the changes myself.

    Take good care~
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Jen! I started with over 100 lbs to lose. Aiming for 170 right now but figure I'll adjust that as I get closer. It really is overwhelming
    to look at the whole picture.

    It hasn't been too difficult so far (not super easy either!!) but it has definitely been worth it. Small goals is the way to approach it. Right now my goal is to try to eat better-for-me food, not just what's quick & easy (fast food, processed). It's a struggle but I'm working on it!

    You can do this! We both (all) can!
  • annael25
    annael25 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey Jen! Welcome to MFP. I am also a big girl with about as much as you to lose, but my first goal is to get out of the 300s! Smaller goals at first. Otherwise, you will feel overwhelmed. I have lost about 11 pounds in a month. That's pretty awesome, but we're all different. I developed an appreciation for exercise and love the burn after a great workout. It didn't take me too long to get there. Once you start seeing results, it really helps boost your confidence and energy level.

    You've got this! Believe in yourself. If others can do it, why can't you?

    I'm going to send you a friend request because I think we could support each other as our journeys sound similar. :)
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Hi Jen. Welcome! I started with 104 pounds to lose and have about 67 to go.

    One thing I feel is important to tell you is how your body will likely react to you starting a diet. With larger people like us, whenever we start a diet, the weight will start to just fall right off. That's why you always see people from the Biggest Loser lose more weight in the beginning than toward the end of the show. When I started dieting, I lost 12 pounds in 2.5 weeks (not exaggerating). HOWEVER, it will start to slow down and you might even see some plateaus. Whatever you do, don't give up because that's the easiest time to lose motivation. I went 3 months with only losing 5 pounds despite working out for an hour and a half a day, 5 days a week, with restricted calories. I just waited it out and sure enough, the weight started dropping off again.

    If you find you are stuck in one of those plateaus, change things up. Eat different foods and do different exercises. That's very important.

    Good luck! I'd also like to add you. :)
  • Musicluver174
    Musicluver174 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Jen! Welcome to MFP!
  • Lola7791
    Lola7791 Posts: 85 Member
    You can do this !! Feel free to add me...any one
  • Hey Jen. I have 160 pounds to lose, so I understand how you feel. Wishing you the best of luck! :smile:

  • Woodster83
    Woodster83 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey !

    Added you, I want to lose 100lbs, and started at 269, lost 8lbs so far and already feeling less bloated and more energetic!

    Good luck on your journey!

    Feel free to add me anyone else, my diary is always open to view.

  • Wow, thank you all for your kind words and your friend requests, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed!

    Looking at how other people have been eating, and the kinds of exercise that people do, has made me feel slightly less daunted than I was yesterday, so thank you to all those who's food diaries I've been snooping at, ha ha.

    I'm feeling good today, lets see if I can keep that up over the weekend.

    Jen :)
  • Hi Jen!

    You have great goals... starting small and making livable changes is the way to go :smile: Your health goals are also great, and when you put them in perspective, you'll find the reason to stick with it :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Christa42
    Christa42 Posts: 7 Member
    Jen, feel free to add me as a friend too. I am currently at 263lbs and I am also looking for some motivation and support. We can help each other!

    I have steadily gained weight for the last 15 years. I have lost 20lbs here and there, but always gained it back plus a little more each time. At the end of last year I could tell I gained more weight. I enjoyed the holidays a little too much and my clothes began to feel tighter. I am at the highest weight that I have ever been and do not want to climb higher.

    Anyone else can feel free to add me as a friend as well!
  • Hi, Jen. I'm Pat from Kentucky. We have a big gap in age, but similar goals. (I need to reduce by half also). I just recently posted for the first time (Hello from Kentucky). I'm happy to be your friend. But I'm not quite sure how to 'friend you' on this blog. :embarassed: Is there a button somewhere? Help?
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    You can do this!!!
    I have always told myself "okay, let's have one good day" everyday I try to do the best that I can.
    Somedays are easy and somedays are totally off the rails.
    Luckily my good days have outnumbered the derailments! Bahahahahaha
    Try not to think about how long it's going to take.
    Good luck to you.
  • brownkse
    brownkse Posts: 6 Member
    Good Luck Jen!
    You can do this!
  • Hi Jen,

    I know exactly how you feel. I remember how hard it was to finally admit I was 330 pounds. I knew I was, I just didn't tell anyone (like they couldn't see). The first place I did was on forums like these. Today we're about 7 months after that and at 240 pounds. Now I tell everyone I used to weigh 330 pounds because I'm darn proud of it; and you will be too. It feels great!

    Just stick to it. Can I offer one piece of advice that I found so helpful? I've always been bad about talking myself into "cheating". MyFitnessPal has helped me with that; because I write everything down. Jen- write EVERYTHING down. On a cheat day, write it down. On vacation, write it down. Sneak a cookie at a party? Put that one single cookie into MyFitnessPal. That level of accountability really helped me, because every time I looked at being 300 or 400 calories over, it would make me not want to 'cheat' again. Dieting when you want to stop is hard. Dieting when you don't want to stop is great!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    hi Jen!
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    You're already awesome for signing up for this site and making your first step. It's a big goal to tackle, and it helps to break it down into segments, so that the weight loss is less intimidating. So, I'd suggest focusing on a 5-10 pound loss at a time and then finding some way to celebrate those achievements. Good luck!
  • grumblefluff
    grumblefluff Posts: 17 Member
    We are in the same boat...I almost died when I saw the scale said 302...I didn't waste any time getting to work on it. I set my first goal at 250, which is the weight I was at before I spent a year on my butt stuffing 3500 calories a day into my mouth, depressed and sad after losing my job...but I'd like to see 150 before I'm done
    It's really tough at first, especially the exercise if you are limited by your own weight. I started walking the first day and made it .5 miles although I was dying after 2 blocks, and today I walked 2 miles! If I can do it, you can...Add me and we'll get healthy together!
  • mtngrl774
    mtngrl774 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jen! I totally understand how hard and scary this journey can be. I weigh 269 lbs and have always struggled with my weight. My healthy weight is 165 so I have a long way to go.. Just remember baby steps are important. Focus on small goals and don't try to change too many habits at once. That can become overwhelming. Work on one or two changes and once you feel comfortable with those changes, pick a couple more to focus on. Best of luck on your journey.
  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    my mantra that has gotten me through my journey this far is very simple - "time is going to pass anyway"

    you can spend the time worrying about how long it is going to take, or you can start and see where it takes you. the days, the progress and the benefits add up slowly, but with effort and determination, the reward is incredible.

    starting is crazy-difficult. but over time, you gain confidence, you have more energy and with a healthier lifestyle, you develop habits that you would have never imagined having in your life prior to your journey. it might be craving the gym, craving yogurt or taking the stairs, but simple changes and dedication will leave you really wanting healthier things. not just faking it.

    you may think you are going to be the fat girl for the rest of your life - that is simply not true. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. YOU ARE NOT YOUR WEIGHT. YOU ARE NOT YOUR JOB. YOU ARE NOT YOUR KHAKIS.

    you are capable, you can be fast, you can be quick and you are BRILLIANT.

    so get out there. again, time is gonna pass either way. you decide how you want to spend it.

    *mad credit to chuck palahniuk
  • bkbw
    bkbw Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Jen,
    I'm also a plus size girl on my own journey. I have struggled with my weight for years and experienced the highs of getting it off and the lows of putting it own. I will say it is not an over night thing, though I wish it was, but it is a journey. You will have many bumps and obstacles along your journey but the key is to stay on track. I wish you luck and hope you stick with it.
  • DannyBoy863
    DannyBoy863 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey,its great that you are taking the first step to getting to the new you. We all have to start some where. I want to lose at least 50 pounds and this have been a great place to start. Most people on the site are great and offer great advice. There is nothing but encouragement here. You don't have to alone. Anyone can add me.