A big girl with a long way to go...



  • lindanewland37
    lindanewland37 Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with the other posters who said to set small goals for yourself. I have lost over 40 pounds in the last 10 months and am just a bit under what you weigh now so I know where you are coming from. I set a goal for myself of 70 pounds for 2014 and am 12 pounds into that. Best wishes for success - it sounds like your head is in the right place.
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    You can do it. Starting is one of the biggest steps :)
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome! You can do this for sure. I was 301 at my starting weight. Down a total of 74 lbs, with another 26 to go until my original goal. That has been reset recently to a total goal of 130. Take pics, get good support (MFP is a great start), and good luck!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    What helps me is to NOT focus on the weight, but rather the steps to get there.

    I set nutrition goals, like getting 5 veg a day or eating all my protein.

    I set fitness goals, like doing my favorite walk in less time or doing an extra lap on my bike.
  • You took your first step to a new you! Congrats!!! Good luck with your journey!
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    You can do this. What I would do is set small goals and give yourself rewards. Let's say you set a goal of 2 pounds per week. That is very attainable for you! Say okay when I lose my first 10 pounds I will get myself a new whatever. Then say okay I want to lose 15 pounds in the next 8 weeks then I will buy a new whatever or go somewhere you've been wanting to go.

    What I have found is that I try not to limit myself to only healthy food, but allow myself some stuff I love but always always always weigh it out and count it on your calories. So if you want a chocolate bar that is 250 calories, eat it and track it and don't go over your calories for that day, or eat half and track it. If you are dying for mcdonalds, get just a single cheeseburger and track it! But don't eat all unhealthy stuff. Make a goal for yourself each week about food too! Say okay this week I will make sure to eat one serving of veggies each day, or 2 fruits each day or this week I will drink 64 oz of water every day. So just set small goals with weight and changing the way you eat and the weight WILL fall off. Just think, if you still to just 2 lbs a week you will lose over 100 pounds a year from now!
  • Grokmom
    Grokmom Posts: 5 Member
    No worries Jen! You have tons of support here!! One day at a time...don't look ahead (unless it's to plan the next days food). Know what you are going to eat ahead of time...it helps me immensely!! when you are craving a food, drink a monster glass of water! Stay strong girl!
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome Jen. My name is Jenn also. I've been using MFP for 438 days and have lost 46 lbs. I started at 260 and still have at least 80 lbs to go to reach my goal weight. I try to work towards smaller goals so I don't get discouraged. Feel free to add me.
  • shel0158
    shel0158 Posts: 31 Member
    You can add me if you want to. I am in the same boat as you. I weigh 354.4 pounds. To get into my healthy range I have to lose 234 pounds. I started MFP almost 2 weeks ago. Good Luck with your weight loss journey. Dont get discouraged.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    There are lots of people who have lost 100+ lbs here. So it is very possible to lose that amount you are talking about. The common denominator that I have seen all of them give is to watch what you eat. In other words be in a caloric deficit. That is where most of the results will come from. Training, it be cardio, or weight training will aid in your transformation but diet will be 80% of your results.
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    You can add me, my diary is open to friends. Also on FB, Twitter and Instagram all under Cheeksbryant
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    HI, you found the right place to help!
    there is an excellent post from sidesteel....http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1175494-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants?hl=sexypants
    check it out!

    Feel free to add me for support. You can do it!
  • xxmarysmxx
    xxmarysmxx Posts: 199 Member
    You can do this. Sending request....
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    your attitude is awesome! You're gonna do great :)

    My highest weight was 286lbs and I've lost 106lbs (was down 120lbs but then had a baby so working on that last little bit again!).

    Take each day as it comes. Eat your food, shake your booty a couple of times a week and enjoy the process. Will there be days that you feel like crap - sure. Will there be days when the scale doesn't cooperate - absolutely (that thing is a b*tch!). But the main thing is to keep going. Start over the next day. Make small improvements every day and this will soon become a way of life.

    I wish you all the best
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Hi ,and welcome :) Just take baby steps … 1 step at a time
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first steps to a more healthy and happy you Jen! You can do this and we're all here for support. Sending a friend request...and anyone else can friend too!
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 343 Member
    Like everyone has said... this is the best place to be and YOU CAN DO IT... lots of support and good ideas and also a place to whine or cry if and when needed. We are all going thru it together!1
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member

    The only way I found to stay motivated was to only look to the next 10 lbs. If I thought about the total I needed to lose, I usually just gave up. Once I broke it up into manageable chunks, it was so much easier.

    Always remember that the time is going to pass anyway (a week, a month, a year), and you can either be losing slowly but surely, or gaining. It really is that simple.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like!!

    That was wonderfully put. It's simple and logical but still really damn profound to read. Thanks for that.
  • Cracken99
    Cracken99 Posts: 39 Member
    HI Jen, Fellow big girl here!
    For me MFP brough some control back in my life as far as eating. At the ends of most days I felt like "why did I eat all that" and just saw myself getting bigger and bigger. At the end of my first day on MFP I felt so much more in control, in just ONE day! THAT in itself was a huge accomplishment. I started exercising (walking video) and that added to the feeling of control.

    My goal is 50 lbs in 10 months or 5 lbs a month. So far I am on track which=success. I cant look at the 130 lbs I need to lose. Just the 50 for now.
  • raghibawan3
    raghibawan3 Posts: 2 Member
    Yen ...mfp is for you and people like me....and thats the reason we are here....take it normal and easy......and get going with logging and hence monitoring....logging and monitoring daily what you eat and keeping eye on ur calories is the key to success.....make it habit and it will guide you through ur way.......just remember key no matter what you eat or do be honest to monitor....I did it and lost 8 pounds in 1 month.........