Weight loss progress - 75 lbs down

Fenomka Posts: 103 Member
(okay, as soon as I figure out how to add pics, I will.)

Here's my story.

I started at 420 lbs in March of 2011. I lost 40 of it, then gained some back when I moved out to OH. in March of 2012, I started walking to try to start getting the weight back down, and by April, I'd completely compressed my knee cartilage to the point where I could barely stand up off the couch because it hurt so much. I'd gained back most of my weight, I was devastated, frustrated, and totally ready to give up.

I went to a doctor who took xrays of my knees, and gave me clearance to seek out physical therapy, to try to deal with the damage. She said otherwise, my options were pretty much "don't walk anymore. get in a wheel chair and call it good." Having had my dad end up in a wheel chair for similar reasons before passing on not too long after, and who also had weight problems, I decided to take her words to heart, find myself a physical therapist, but someone who would be able to transition into a physical TRAINER, to keep me going even AFTER I was able to exercise, again.

Meet Joe.


He's My Physical Trainer. He met me pretty much at my worst. I was a desperate, broken, limping mess, who could barely lift the weights I'd purchased for myself. He told me once that the day he met me, he heard this voice in his head that said "if you stick with this girl, She'll stick with you. She's worth your time, you just have to let her prove it to you." So he did. Despite minor reservations due to my fairly singular case, and the fact he'd never worked with someone my size before ( at the point we started working together, I was just shy of 400) Joe jumped in with both feet, and dragged me in with him. I started with little things - weights, walking short distances, changing my food here and there to try new things to figure out what would work best for me. I kept up with my medications. slowly but surely, we started working in my office gym instead of my back yard. then we started working out more days a week. then I started walking longer distances. Joe got me on an elliptical (which I'd only ever been able to use for about 30 *SECONDS* at a time, because my heart rate would skyrocket. *Note, now I can go on an elliptical for upwards of 30 *MINUTES* and not bat an eye. We transitioned to his home gym, where he started to teach me boxing, and olympic weights.

This spring, as the weather has turned, we started doing something I never thought I'd be able to do again - Jogging. Short distances right now, but Joe and I have big plans for this summer. I've lost a total of 75 lbs (since tipping the scales at 420) and somewhere around 40 inches all over my body.

I have a lot more weight to lose (My goal is 200 lbs, for now, and I'm at 343.8 as of the pictures below) but 75 is still pretty good. I'm finally starting to see the differences in myself, which was another thing I've struggled with. So without further ado, here are some pics.





  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    Fantastic! Keep it up!
  • Fenomka
    Fenomka Posts: 103 Member
    I'm trying to figure out how to add pics. do you know how?
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    75lbs is amazing. No matter what you look like, it's such an accomplishment. You should be so proud. Keep of the good work!
  • Fenomka
    Fenomka Posts: 103 Member
    this is as close as I could get... the pics won't fit, no matter how I resize them. :(
  • Fenomka
    Fenomka Posts: 103 Member
    yeah, nevermind. haha. I still can't get the sizing to work. womp womp.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    So much progress! Keep at it, you are doing amazing!
  • Kep2005
    Kep2005 Posts: 57 Member
    You are doing such a great job! Congratulations on making the choice to take back your life. I'm so excited to see your next 75lb loss pictures :)
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    Wow! Keep on going! Your are doing awesome!
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Awesome job. Thanks for the inspiration. Thank you and keep inspiring us.
  • astitchinthyme
    astitchinthyme Posts: 22 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work and great results. You are a great inspiration...keep going!
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    Congratulations :flowerforyou:

    Great progress. No doubt we will read more about you in the coming months :drinker:
  • JeanSoCal
    JeanSoCal Posts: 23 Member
    What an amazing journey for you! Wow, 75 lbs down! I can't wait to see my loss hit that point. I know knee pain, as I have suffered with it, not as bad as your situation. But as you, I do NOT want to go to a wheelchair. So every day I do the best I can and walk a little. When I set my goal for a 5K event in May, my dr. told me...Your Knees are Going to Hate You!. So reading your post I am getting so encouraged to continue. Thank you for the super great gift of your story, and the pictures of you. How lucky you were go get a great trainer to help you. Hugs and lots of ATTA GIRL to you! Congrats on your success!
  • ivleafklover
    ivleafklover Posts: 36 Member
    AWESOME! Keep going :D I bet it feels really good getting this far, so congrats!!
  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    Absolutely fantastic!! Thanks for sharing your story and keep up the fab work :)
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Great job!
  • nolabone
    nolabone Posts: 117 Member
    That's great! Congratulation on your success and the more to come!
  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    Awesome accomplishment! Congrats!! Keep it up!:smile:
  • Congratulations on your 75 lb. loss! I can relate to your story - my knees are bone on bone, with no cartilage and arthritis. The pain is so bad some days I can barely walk. Or I walk stiff legged like Frankenstein. :-). The pain wakes me up at night too. Going to have double knee replacement surgery, but I must lose a good bit of weight first. Many best wishes to you for a bright, happy, pain free future!
  • snowflakeln99
    snowflakeln99 Posts: 54 Member
    You are doing amazing! Keep up the hard work! :)
  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
    Great story and weight loss! It really amazes and inspires me to see someone lose that much weight when I struggle to just get 30 pounds off. Keep it up. You are looking wonderful!
  • strangeone25
    strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
    Amazing story...you should be so proud of yourself for not giving up on the face of such a huge challenge! Thanks for sharing your story.
  • MEK1960
    MEK1960 Posts: 50 Member
    I got on here just a minute ago, thinking, "I could use some inspiration"- AND THERE YOU WERE! Thank you and keep going...going....going...'til it's GONE!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Wow, you should feel incredibly proud of yourself! The difference is really blatant, especially from the back. Great job!
  • Spadhnik
    Spadhnik Posts: 130 Member
    Incredibly numbers!!! Grt job..
  • grumblefluff
    grumblefluff Posts: 17 Member
    WOW! That is so awesome! I was REALLY sedentary, and could barely move, and my knees were failing when I started also, so you give me hope that it won't be this way forever. I am currently in an epic battle with an elliptical myself...started at 2 minutes, have worked up to 7min/.25 miles on it after a few weeks, and my next goal is 10 minutes..I was not sure if I would ever be able to get up to 30 minutes, and I was getting frustrated about it, but you have inspired me to keep at it and let me know that I WILL get there. WTG!!! Thanks for sharing and giving me some much needed inspiration!!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Great job!
  • accendo
    accendo Posts: 66 Member
    I can see how determined you are! Good for you!
  • pearsol50
    pearsol50 Posts: 14 Member
    way to go
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    Your story really pulled at my heart strings. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! I think it is so amazing what people can do for each other. It's so sweet of you to post his picture and give him that credit - but give yourself credit too. Can't wait to see your next post. <3
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