A first step on a long way to go...

I have been staring at my screen for probably an hour, going back and forth about whether I should even post something here.

But I realized I need to actually step out of my comfort zone and reach out to people for support. I have never been comfortable around new people, but for the sake of actually achieving my goals, I'm going to put on my big girl panties and say hello.

I have been overweight my entire life. Even when I was in high school, and I was playing on the varsity tennis team and doing marching band I was still fat. I pretended it didn't bother me, but I was lying. Since high school (which was approximately thousands of years ago) I have never really given dieting much of a chance- I start strong for a week or two and then fall back into my old bad habits. Now, with my 33rd birthday looming on the horizon, I find myself at my heaviest weight ever- 234 pounds. I AM ONLY 5'0".

I am tired of avoiding mirrors. I am tired of untagging myself from photos on facebook because I look horrible. I am tired of not being able to wear the cute dresses and clothes I see in the stores. I am just tired.

To be cliche- they say a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Well, this is my first step. I have been logging my food for the past week. I've had good days, and a few bad. What I could really use is some encouragement and some friendly faces to cheer me along as head slowly down this path. This would help in more than just me loosing weight- it might help me to get out of my shell a bit more.

And to those who finished reading my short novel, thank you for sticking with it. And good luck on your journey as well.


  • LisAri72
    LisAri72 Posts: 60 Member
    This is my first day posting on here too. I found it a little scary but the people who answered me so far have been extremely nice and supportive. I would love to add you as a friend as I can use all the support I can get. :)
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    Good luck mooncalling! Remember to take things one day at a time and acknowledge your results as well as your efforts. You're going to do great as long as you keep focusing on your goals!
  • Great way to start. Stay focused on your goals. This week I'm trying to measure my success some way other than the number on the scale. For instance, I can wear things that were too tight before and exercise is somewhat easier. Hang in there, you'll do great!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome to the MFP club. I had been logging here last year, but I got sick and everything fell apart. But I am back and freshly determined.

    I know what you mean about feeling so bad about the shape of our bodies, but take photos today and do take measurements. Those will encourage you in weeks to come as you see the progress that you are making. It might fluctuate on the scale, but photos and measurements don't lie.

  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Welcome and glad to see you starting and sharing! From what you wrote I'd suggest not burning yourself out by doing/changing more than you can handle in the first few weeks. A lot of people try to change their whole lifestlye before they can adapt to any of it (change in diet, change in calories, change in exercise, etc) and burnout. My motto is "Progress over perfection". Better to make little changes and develop habits/skills/experiences that will help long term than trying to do it all at once. And it'll probably take longer than you want it to, but it can be done!
  • grumblefluff
    grumblefluff Posts: 17 Member
    The first step is a big one! WTG! Just keep taking those steps..and you will get there! I have a long journey too, but I took that first step 3.5 weeks ago, and I take more steps every day (literally, since I can't do much more exercise than walking yet LOL) Welcome to the gang, we're happy to be your support team!
  • Hello! I'm 5'3 & at almost the same weight as you (eek first time I've actually admitted that), I came on here because I had no support system where I live & don't know anyone near me going through the same thing. It's definitely a big help to have other people to talk to who are going/have gone through the same type of journey. I'm right at the start of trying to get rid of all this excess weight & get healthy & would love to help keep you motivated as you do the same. I'm very friendly but a bit weird to say the least lol, anyway i'm always happy to make new friends & it would be nice to have someone who's actually at almost the exact same point in this as myself :)
  • us1kitty2013
    us1kitty2013 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there,

    My first day, I hope of many. I've never been a skinny girl,just average and I had to work hard and yes deprive myself a bit to maintain average even through my teen years. My friends called me the Carb Police, I would remind them of their sins through out the week. LOL Then about 5 years ago I rediscovered rice, pasta and bread and butter, coke OMG!!!! I forgot how yummy all these could be. Anyway here I am hoping to make new friends and we can support each other through the weightloss.

    MoonCalling be brave and be fierce, you can do it. We all can!
  • vickish76
    vickish76 Posts: 80 Member
    You can add me it you want. :)
  • Wow reading all the stories had me looking for a "like" button. I touched and motivatied, I'm new to this and I only have two friends whom happend to be people I know and love. I would love some outside support.
  • I would post a picture, but it keeps coming up side ways. Anyway, its great to see a support group, exactly what i need, people who are on the same journey….and truly understand. This is my first day. I'm 5'3 and weigh in at 189 lbls. I have gained 30 lbs in 3 months due to medication and I'm still trying to figure out how. I'm depressed, coming off the medication and need support. I figure, like everyone else, I need to start somewhere and do something. I'm truly looking forward to supporting others and getting the support that i desperately need. My wish id for everyone to be the best that can be, even if its taking a couple extra steps. I'm actually afraid to start back at the gym next week. Most people have lost weight and I have gained 30lbs while eating healthy and exercising. I feel sick at the thought of walking into the gym, much less putting on abating suit for swim aerobics, but the first step was buying a suit that fit.
  • mooncalling
    mooncalling Posts: 3 Member
    Wow- I went to the grocery store and I came back to all this!

    What a wonderful way to start out. Thank you all for the kind words and the friend requests. Hopefully all your friendly faces and kind support is the kick in the pants I need.

    I know I won't have the perfect beach body for this summer, but maybe the next. Something to look forward to!