jrreed1 Member


  • Just picture the little old man that has no butt, walks with a shuffle, pelvis forward. That's what no squats will do for you. Strengthen that backside so you will be strong in your golden years!
  • Saving to try this out! Finally a breakfast food with protein that isn't eggs or oatmeal.
  • coming back to this one later
  • Does anyone have any advice to offer besides the wraps?
    in BELLY FAT Comment by jrreed1 April 2013
  • Bump
    in BELLY FAT Comment by jrreed1 April 2013
  • Read this. It may answer some of your questions. http://www.shapesense.com/fitness-exercise/articles/net-versus-gross-calorie-burn.aspx
  • I'm on my 3rd BT1 workout. I really like the program set up. I'll still get the big lifts, but get the functional training as well. I really like designing my own workouts. I hurt my back about 2 weeks ago and this has been a great program I've been able to adapt to my injury and feel like I'm not losing out on strength…
  • Thank you for posting this question. This is the last area on me and it's nice to know I'm not alone. A BIG thank you to the previous poster for your profile pic!!!!!! This is exactly where I am at. Nice obliques, I can see lines, but the mid part is poochy.
  • It's okay to shorten up stage 1 if you are ready to move on. It seems to be designed more for the newbie to get used to the weight room and get familiar with some of the basic moves. It's a good place to start after an injury like yours. See how it feels and go from there.
  • I'm considering doing this stage again because I'm not really sure where to go after this. The increased sets/reps were tough, but I loved the increased cardio from it.
  • bump to read more
  • I do my own stretching and I'll use the myofacial roller (foam roller) as well after a lifting session.
  • It's all part of your journey. Here is a new challenge. Look at it as an exercise of will power. You get to make the choice to eat or not eat the treats. If you choose to have something, log it BEFORE you eat it. I find logging helps put the choice in a more concrete form and sometimes I'll go ahead, sometimes it's enough…
  • My lifting partner and I did the first workout yesterday and all I can say today is OUCH, don't ask me to raise my arms and don't make me laugh. I knew I would be sore, but this is ridiculous! I really enjoyed the workout, though. We played around with assisted chin ups after the workoutf using the band. I hope I can make…
  • Bump to read later I just finished the book and am disturbed at how much I am looking forward to starting ABS when I am done with NROLFW. The workouts look challenging, there are a lot more variations, still has the power and it just makes sense with everything I've learned from my trainer so far.
  • Do you have a local dentist that is doing a candy buy back? We have local pediatric dental offices that are buying back candy and giving the kids up to $5 and the candy then gets sent to troops overseas. Is there an additional class you could pick up over the weekend instead?
  • bump to check out links later
  • I love the TRX system! That's what got me motivated to work out again (that and an incredible trainer teaching TRX). Instead of floor pushups, I try to throw in atomic pushups with the TRX system.
  • Does anyone start their workouts with the intervals/BWM instead of finishing with them?
  • Try adding in some negative push-ups. Here's a link to see what it is: http://youtu.be/S7pHvvD7oqA This is how my trainer progresses people through push-ups. During her 4 week boot camp, I went from 2 push-ups to 10. I was able to starte NROLFW doing full push-ups for all reps. Her hubby is a former Marine and she said…
  • I've been stalking this thread as I will start stage 2 this weekend. I see some of you are frustrated with your push-ups and wanted to "show" you how my trainer conditined me to do full push-ups. She does not allow "girl" push-ups, instead she has us do negative push-ups to work towards doing full push-ups on the floor.…
    in Stage 2 Comment by jrreed1 August 2012
  • 5'10" SW 162.8 lb CW 152ish GW-Don't really have one right now, going for body fat % I'm doing the NROLFW so I'm not weighing myself right now. My clothes feel looser than they did when I weighed in in mid-May, so that's good enough for me. :)
  • Is XXXX sick? She looks so skinny. A friend and I are working out at the same gym and she looks luminous, amazing, and FIT! She has these wonderful cheekbones showing and people think she is way too skinny.
  • I used to work out at noon while my kids were in daycare/school. This winter I started doing a bootcamp through my trainer at 5:30 a.m. I HATE getting up that early, but over the course of the bootcamp, I found that I LOVED getting my workout in and knowing I already had that box checked off of my to-do list. I had so much…
  • From a purely numbers point of view, log it. If you bite it, you write it. This way, you have a pretty good idea of how many calories you are averaging over a week, etc. If you ever get stuck, you have a good log to review to see what changes could be made.
  • Oh, how I wish there was a body fat % ticker, too. I've been stuck at the same weight for roughly 10 months now and have only noticed modest changes to the areas I really want to see firm (ie. arms, belly). I'm starting NROLFW with the hope that lifting will improve on what I've already accomplished. I like the idea of…
  • I haven't been to their website in awhile, but they used to have no equipment workouts archived somewhere on their site.
  • My nickname growing up was Skinny Minnie. I didn't really gain weight until 2004. I had 3 babies (2006, 2007, 2009) and lost all of my pregnancy weight with each, but the 15 pounds I gained during 2004 wouldn't go anywhere. The loss of muscle mass because I wasn't exercising was horrific to me. I just didn't care, I had so…
  • Thank you for the information. I'm saving this to read again.
  • Sweaty bands at sweatybands.com. Really cute fabric on the outside,velvet lined so no slipping and a thin elastic band on the bottom half so it's not bulky. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!