

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Yeah, I went to the gym last night. I upped the time and height on the elevated planks People of course were looking at me like I'm crazy. Also, the gym was crazy crowded and someone ganked my dbs while I was doing my static holds. THat jerk. I increased weight on the alternating shoulder pressed, because I had to, but I only got 10 reps done. I stayed on the one legged deadlift and overhead squat. Got some looks for that one too. People get impressed when you throw a bar over your head and get down A2G. I did increase on the kneeling pull down. Got up to 110. Weird how you can pull more weight when kneeling than when sitting.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Back at the gym finished 1B4. My stamina stinks after so many weeks off :(only banged out 2 sets of each rotation.
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    Bump to read later I just finished the book and am disturbed at how much I am looking forward to starting ABS when I am done with NROLFW. The workouts look challenging, there are a lot more variations, still has the power and it just makes sense with everything I've learned from my trainer so far.
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    I started NROL4abs last night and loved the first workout! I liked the new warm up moves and was glad to be doing this at home. It was embarrassing enough to do this in front of my husband & kids; I don't know if I would have done some of those moves in front of strangers :blushing: My favorite move was the inverted row....although I have to admit that by the third set I could only eek out 6 full ones before requiring a break.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Those rows are tough. I have the bar set just under my breasts and I can do 12. When I set it closer to my navel, it's only 10. I was happy that I did all three sets though I had to back my weight up to where I started :(
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My weight is still at where it was when I started and I finished 1A6 last night. I'm going to do the extra two workouts and get those weights up next time. Can't wait to add the bug lifts back to the program next week in stage 2. I think they helped keep me motivated with the steady progress and the definition in my muscles.
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    I haven't increased my weights on stage one yet either. I am increasing my plank time, mostly because that is my "challenge" for this go around. Do you think we should be pushing to increase our weights as much as we did in NROL4W?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm back!! I completed half of phase 1. (will do 8 workouts in stage 1)

    I'm really wanting to eat high sugary carbs late in the evening. What's up with that?
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome back, Manic!! Maybe it's the holidays making you want to snack on the sugary carbs?? We have had birthday cake in the house for the past week and I finally scraped it into the trash last night, feeling good about getting rid of that temptation. Now we will start our Christmas baking soon.....more temptations!
    I am half-way through phase 1 now. I haven't increased my weights at all, but I have increased the time on all of my planks (thanks to our 7 week challenge, mostly).
  • SweetPea482
    SweetPea482 Posts: 156 Member
    I know im not a big 'talker' on the threads... at least not in a while. I did the NR4W... finished it just before this thread was posted, and i apparently havent been on here since. Im so glad to see a thread in this group for the AB ladies!

    I have been doing parts of the NR4W for the last couple of months, just to maintain my strength, but i desperately missed having a schedule. I just started the NR4A today. i LOOVED it... and reading the material was awesome too! the updates to everything for NR4W was very insightful, and i actually felt like not only am i on the right track since April, but im actually in the higher bracket... meaning, my foods, and my nutrition and everything is spot on. i was so proud of myself for how far ive come since

    I have one small request... i need more friends. and not in an 'i wanna be popular' way, but... many of the current ones i have now are inconsistent and somewhat bipolar. :P so if any of you need some lifting buddies... that would LOVE to have someone cheer you on (im a really good cheerleader!)... send me a FR. :D
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That's awesome sweetpea! Welcome.

    I started phase 2 this week. I really missed the heavy lifting. I felt that the moves for phase one weren't challenging even though I couldn't really increase weight. I never had DOMS or even really needed a shower. Maybe I wasn't pushing it hard enough, but I am so happy to have big lifts back in stage 2. I was sore for days Woo hoo!! I also find the ab work in phase far more challenging. If I do the cycle again. I'm going to keep the additional heavy lifts in phase one. I HATE Burpees and didn't have time for the kettle bell swings last night. Weird to say this but I almost miss running intervals lol
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Anyone doing this right now, or soon?

    I'm finishing up Stage 6 now of NROL4W, but thought I'd do Abs next, I'm about halfway through reading the book, looks intimidating.

    Are you liking results? Worthwhile? It seems like a lot of people are doing Supercharged instead now.