

  • I'm originally from NJ and am moving back at the end of the month to Middlesex County :)
  • I live in Colorado right now, thanks to the Air Force, but I'm getting out at the end of September and moving back to Middlesex County :) So excited! I'm running the Atlantic City Marathon in October!
  • I have GERD and its pretty bad. I had an upper GI scope done last October with some biopsies and the esophagus damage is pretty bad. I take a high dosage of nexium everyday and will probably have to for the rest of my life. If I go one week without it, no matter how well I eat, the acid reflux comes back and its not just…
  • added you guys! I'm @sassycraftyfit Just started using IG recently :)
  • I'm running my first in mid-October in Atlantic City :)
  • I would definitely recommend doing the firmware updates regularly. I have a habit of not connecting my garmin 220 regularly and I missed a few updates and couldnt get a signal at all. Now I just check every week and I havent had a problem since.
  • 7th Grade English Class. We listened to the verdict on the radio. How crazy is that, though, that class stopped so we could hear the verdict of a murder trial. When does that ever happen nowadays?!
  • For a long run I wear a fuel belt with 2 10oz water bottles, my cell phone, a key to my house, and fuel (usually cliff shot blocks or honey stingers). And I have an ipod shuffle that I clip to my shirt. That's about it. Oh, and my Garmin watch. Edited for typo.
  • I'm currently maintaining my long run at around 8-10 miles right now because I have another half marathon (#6) at the end of June, and then I will switch focus and train for my first full marathon in October!
  • Running my 6th half marathon at the end of June, and then will begin training for my first full marathon in October! Feel free to add me :)
  • Attorney here! I moved to a new position last summer and I essentially work alone, so I dont have to worry about people bringing in snacks, etc., but my bigger problem is when I dont plan ahead, I end up getting takeout for lunch and/or dinner. I also travel at least once a month out of state, and then I am stuck eating…
  • I do good until... the weekend! I am in such a good routine all during the work week, but then being home on the weekends, running errands, doing chores, LONG RUNS, etc. All completely throws me. Really trying to create a better routine for the weekends to keep me on track!
  • Sounds like patella tendonitis. I had a mild flare up a few weeks prior to my recent half marathon, this past Saturday. I took it easy for a week, iced everyday, I also have a tens unit, so I used that on my knee. My stomach can't handle motrin or ibuprofin so I just took some tylenol. I've started doing more leg…
  • I used some KT tape in my half marathon this past weekend after a flare up of runner's knee (mild) a few weeks ago. I've been strengthening my legs, but used the KT tape just as an added precaution. I improved my half marathon time by 5 minutes and had no pain during the race! I use KT Pro tape. But like others have said -…
  • People assume that because I am quite introverted, that I am also a push-over. Until I have to argue with them in court. They always seem shocked that I can advocate better than them. :wink:
  • I have had grinding in my knees due to maltracking - patella femoral syndrome. My left knee got so bad that my knee started dislocating and I eventually had patella-realignment surgery 10 years ago. My right knee is not anywhere near as bad. I run half marathons and am training for a full marathon, and the only time I have…
  • I have the Garmin 220 - it just came out at the end of last year, so it initially had some software glitches (not picking up satellite signal, battery not showing correct %), but the most recent software update seems to have fixed everything and its working pretty amazingly now - picks up a satellite signal immediately…
  • I've been running for about 6 years now. When I first started I really didnt like it - running never really interested me, outside of running to a different base during a softball game. In 2008 I decided to join the Air Force and knew I would need to be able to pass a physical fitness test which included a 1.5 mile run. I…
  • Icing and resting is really important. I have chronic knee injuries (but still run half marathons). When my knee pain flares up, I rest and ice for a few days. Then I will start off using the recumbent bike on a low level to see if my knee can handle it. If it can, I will do that until I feel like my knee is getting…
  • I'm a military lawyer (JAG). Being a lawyer means I mostly sit at my desk all day, but at least being in the military, I get time during the work day to workout, so that helps a bit. Also, since the military requires that we stay in shape, I feel a bit of extra incentive not to miss my workouts.
  • When I was studying for the bar exam, I treated it like a full-time job, and made sure I did other things to keep myself sane! I would go to the library from 9-5 everyday (Monday-Friday) to do my studying, etc. I'd pack healthy snacks to take with me (the study rooms allowed eating). After I'd finish up studying for the…
  • I'd love some random friends!
  • I'm also a runner! I've run 4 half marathons with my 5th coming up in three weeks, and planning to run a full in October!
  • That I enjoy quilting while watching old WWE wrestling dvds :)
  • Feel free to add me :) I need some MFP friends!
  • Hi! I'm Lorraine. I've used MFP before, but I am back with a different username and looking for new friends. I'm 31 years old and recently got out of a 2 year relationship. During the relationship I gained 15lbs and I'm really wanting to lose it. I run pretty regulalry (including half marathons), so my problem is mainly…
  • Sad this group isnt so active, but I guess we are all pretty busy! I'm a military lawyer (Air Force JAG) and I guess the plus to being in the military is they expect us to be in shape, so we get time during the work week to work out! I also keep my work stress down by running regulalry, including long runs on the weekends.…