EmsyB78 Member


  • hi love, can you do any exercise at all? My PT tells me that on days I DON'T exercise I should NOT have carbs in my last meal of the day but I can have them (in moderation) at other meal times...admittedly I'm not very good at this and need to discipline myself more but this might help you?? x
  • Helloooooooooooo! I'll add you :) I'm Emma, 33 also from UK. Honestly, this is the best site/ app you'll ever use. Make the most of the support on here, be honest all the time and log as often as you can (every day ideally) and I promise...this WILL change your life. Happy shredding :) x
  • Hellooooooo I'm from North Yorkshire - feel free to add me too x
  • At last - internet access!! Sorry peeps...here are my stats: SW: 202.8 GW: 192 3rd Feb: 202.8 10th Feb: 200.6 17th Feb: 199.8 I've had a very indulgent weekend but it was coupled with much hill walking so lets hope this friday isn't too disastrous...I'm def back on it! x
  • happy friday everyone! my starting weight in Sept was 231lbs... hoping to shift a hell of a lot!!! Jan 27th: 202lbs Feb 3rd: Feb 10th: Feb 17th: feb 24th:
  • I also meant to say that I've always been big...16-18 but want to be a healthy 12-14 (like I was at 18!! lol) and to feel good about myself again. I love clothes and want to love shopping for them!! x
  • Hi everyone I'm Emma I'm 5'8", 33, I live in North Yorkshire (UK). I'm married with a 1 year old. I gained 4 stone being pregnant (only because I ate like a beast though!) so I'm doing my best now to shift it and look better than when I started! SW 231 lbs CW 202 lbs GW...161 lbs I have a long way to go but I'm 100%…
  • what a strong and amazing woman you are...well done! xxx
  • wow!!! what a yummy mummy she is! well done :) x
  • wow!!!!!!!!! you're looking fabulous. really well done :)
  • you've echoed my thoughts exactly (hence my blog today and writing on someone else's post about a plateau!)... I feel like I'm in a real slump...yet because I'm totally aware of it and have not been able to exercise the last fortnight I'm actually eager to get going again. I DEFINITELY think it's the time of the year...I…
  • Oh my goodness...I thought I was alone out there in the gloomy land of Plateau. Here yea for all you lovelies who also have hit the odd wall. I gained 4st being pregnant last year (he's 10 months old now!!) and finally started to do something about it...71 days ago when I committed to this. Immediately I had a massive loss…
  • I'll play! Picking my DVD up from my mother-in-law tonigth who has had it for a couple of months. I'm doing a boxercise class tonight so I'll have to start mine tomorrow...Game on!
  • woo hoo! dedication at its best! well done :)
  • hello fluffy-Anne - I'll be your friend :)...isn;t it odd that some people see this as a dating site?!?....I had that yestedray when I joined, even though I'm wearing my wedding dress in my picture?!! Anyway...here's to our new journies! good luck x
  • well done indeed! x
  • Aww thanks everyone...don't feel like the awkward shy new girl so much now :) It's always great to have people to encourage you and offer the light touch of a firm boot up the bottom when you're dragging your heels...onwards and upwards! x
  • Yes! helloooo it's North Yorkshire for me though folks...and there's nothing smart about an iphone but it does for me :ohwell: xx
  • Hello Fayecolley I'm on here to shed the baby weight too! I gained over 4st being pregnant. My son is nearly 8 months old and I've not shifted any (in fact I think I've gained more since he was born!!) So I'm with you all the way! My worst habit is lack of motivation...I start all guns blazing, fired up and ready to go and…