

  • Wow!! That's a great burn. What kinds of exercises are you doing? The most I have burned in one workout is 475 calories... I guess you could call me a beginner lol :)
  • Yes I agree too. I go with what the machine says.
  • I agree. I wouldn't freak out just yet. There are so many factors that play into the flucutating weight gain, not too say it doesn't bother me too because it does. I would say everything will even out once your body gets used to the increased activity level. But, I also want to say that I think these calories burned…
  • Everybody needs carbs. You just want to be sure that you are getting them from the right places. Like complex carbohydrates vs. simple (processed) sources. Also, you get carbs from fruits and vegetables too which are really beneficial and give you energy that way. Whole grains contain natural fiber which is important for…
  • I'm right there with you on the insecurity issues and emotional eating. I wish I could say that I won't be at my heaviest weight ever again, but the truth is when things get bad I tend to "eat my feelings." I have been doing this site for a few months now and have found that its a nice way to keep track of your good days…
  • Taking a break seemed to help me too. I think when I first started working out alot and drastically cut my calories my body went into shock. Eating more calories one day and less the next seems to help. I've found that once your body gets into the routine of shedding pounds you will be golden...until then don't get…
  • Well for me...seeing progress and feeling better about myself really helps with my motivation. In the beginning I hit some plateaus and was very, very frustrated and wanted to quit, but I didnt. I kept at it and finally things started moving along again. Also, having a workout buddy can be a really good way to stay…
  • I certainly wouldn't call myself a runner, but I do really enjoy jogging to get in cardio. I was having some problems with shin splints a couple weeks ago. I, like you was really upset about not being able to run and was worried I would fall out of my routine. I started riding a stationery bike for 20 or 25 minutes and…
  • Hi! I'd say log what you eat in a normal day and see where your at. From there you can start to see where you can cut corners to cut calories...such as using sandwich thins instead of hamburger buns or corn tortillas instead of flour, etc. Also, I have found that by adding lots of vegetables to my meals I get fuller and…
  • My calorie allowance is 1200, but I have found that it tends to be too low for me...especially when I first started out. Eating closer to 1500 seemed to give my body what it needed to boost weight loss. Now I am shooting for burning 300 calories a workout so that I can eat 1500 calories a day and still be at a "net" of…
    in my cals Comment by sreece13 June 2011
  • WOW!!! Ok... I'm motivated! U look amazing :)
  • I say that the upside to you losing the weight more slowly is that you are making positive lifestyle changes that you can obviously stick with and her losing the weight so fast puts her at risk for gaining back the weight as quickly as she lost it! Don't give up! YOU have the right idea. Patience is a virtue right??!!