

  • Congratulations! You look fantastic and are much healthier. Good job. :)
  • There are two trains of thought on eating after 8pm, medically speaking. 1) Calories are calories. It doesn't matter when you eat them as long as you stick to your calorie limit for the day. 2) Eating after 8pm, once your body has slowed down metabolically and doesn't need energy for sleep will make these calories get…
  • Is it healthy for you to drink Diet Pepsi - no. But it is worse for you to drink regular Pepsi. Best thing is water. However, that gets boring and as long as you're responsible for your eating habits and don't "blame the cola" for grabbing a Snickers it's fine. You may get a little bloat or gas from the carbonation but…
  • I just started watching the first season. Last one I saw was when the grandmother was murdered. I'm liking all the guys so far. :)
  • I am abstaining for the time being (on Medifast)... but I've read that ONE GLASS (3-4 oz) of RED wine can actually speed up the metabolism slightly. Not beer. Not spirits. RED WINE.
  • I am on 88 mcg of Levothyroxin daily for my hypothyroidism and though my blood levels are now in the normal range, my symptoms haven't ceased. Loss of hair, dry skin, always cold, difficult to lose weight. It's a pain! I have no tips because I haven't found anything that works. I've tried WW (I lost a ton before the…
  • All I did was hold up a mirror. if you feel judged, it's on you.
  • How about this. Worry about yourself and leave others worry about themselves. You have no idea what the "obese" people were on when they weren't on the cruise so try not to judge others lest they judge you. Maybe they felt you were too restricted in your own eating and weren't enjoying yourself because you were too…
  • For me, the nutritionist gave me 1 fruit. So that's my 1. I normally have MF breakfast and morning snack, then L&G lunch, then fruit, then L&G dinner, then MF snack. Although, I have to admit I sometimes forego the MF late night snack because I'm not hungry.
  • Hmmm... gonna have to try the Peanut Butter soft Serve. I love the Coffee one. I like the Pancakes (both reg & spice), the Brownie (made with coffee and a dash of cinnamon), and the soft bake chocolate chip cookie. On the road I liked the Peanut Butter Crunch bars, the chocolate chip mint bars and the Lemon Merangue bars.
  • I'm on the 4-2-1 too. I sort of put myself on it because I kept plateauing on 5-1, while working out. Plus, I kept nearly passing out doing while exercising. I think eating 800-1000 and then burning 500+ wasn't a good idea. So I wanted to go totally off but my nutritionist put me on the 4/2/1. It's better. But I am…
  • It can be a number of things. 1. You're not eating enough. So instead of burning what you're eating your body is in starvation mode and saving EVERYTHING. It's happened to me. It gets used to getting so little that it will shut down systems (non-essential) in order to only need 100 calories a day. Feed yourself. 2. Water…
  • I'm aiming for 165. The closest I ever got was 185 and I was a size 8-10. I'm bottom heavy, and if I lose more I end up looking emaciated on top and my eye get sunken.
  • Granted, they can be uncomfortable to work out with. Not as easy to do push ups, etc. and jogging is a joke. But I had the opposite problem. I was 42DD and went down to a 36C(sort of, almost B). However, my thighs would not shrink. Everyone loses where their body wants to. You can't spot lose unfortunately. You can only…
  • He's an adult. He won't listen to you. I did the same. The more my dad got on me about my weight the more I ate. So talking to him may just make it worse. OTOH, just sitting him down and telling him you love him and if he needs your help you'll give it shouldn't be too bad. I had to move out of my parents before I did…
  • I was told by trainers and my WW coach that i needed to eat more and that's why I wasn't losing (I was eating about 1200 daily and burning 500 daily according to the machines, which are always wrong). SO I ate more.... and gained. I wore a bodybugg and it said I should be losing weight, but I wasn't. I had my metabolism…
  • You need to change your cardio. Switch it around so the body doesn't get used to what you're doing. I had a long discussion with my nutritionist about this. Once the body is used to something it's ineffective. I was doing 30 min heavy cardio on the elliptical, level 16, personal trainer HIIT. Then doing 30 min on the…
  • I lost a lot of weight, but couldn't get the rest off because I was in starvation mode. When I plateued, I was doing 2 hrs a day of heavy exercies (about an hour of cardio Elliptical on Personal Trainer mode, level 15-16, plus weight machines, free weights, and walking or kettle bells), and eating about 1200... that had me…
  • My nutritionist says no one should consume less than 1200 a day. I took that to mean net.