130 is not fat in my opnion, but when I was 130 I remember being told I was fat and thinking i was. If I knew then what I knew now. You need to loose weight for you and not anyone else.
Congrats to your friend. Boys rule the roost at my house.
Where are you now? I moved here about 5 years ago from Southern California
I have 2 kids and would love to have 3 but becuase of my own health condtion Idecided to have my tubes tied after the 2nd. I would rather be healthy for them then not healthy for 3. I owuld love to have one more sometime I get sad, but then I remember how beuatiful my boys are
Thank you! On the bright side we have internet where i work and I can access this site :)
Let me try this again, I tried months ago and stopped with lots of excuses to why.\ I am Wendy live in VIrginia , have 2 little boys and a full time job ( gained weight since i started working) I would really like to loose some weight , i think I am going to set my goal 5 ibs at a time I am not sure I want it realistic. I…
I need excercises, I have a bad back so I cant do to much aerobics. I can walk, I do a lot of that, would love to have a tred mill but thats not in the budget. any ideas what I can do
I have given up soda, but I am still drinking tea. I havent had any soda for a few months. It was hard to do but I am happy I did it. Now I just have to give up so much tea, I think it has more caffine then soda, but I dont crave it like I did soda
My husband is from Eastern Oregon, I have lived in AZ, UT, NV, WY, CA, and now VA
b52's are great to excercise to, they are so up beat, I keep them on my ipod for when I walk.
I bought that one and some fancy dance aerobic one, the dance one I jsut do not have the cordination to do and I will give it to my sister, she has rythme not me, but I love the biggest looser one, I like how he says if you cant do it this way try it this way, or if this way is to easy add this to it.
Where is everyone from if its okay to ask? I am in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia
Welcome, i am from Rialto, but moved away and now live in Virginia. good luck Wendy
Just remember jsut becasue its cooked doesnt mean you ahve to eat it, eat wahts healthy, if its somthing bad just less of it. try to use less butter and salt, if your mom adds salt while cooking, jsut dont add anymore at the table. ect
thanks, I am now taking my lunch break at work, and walking around this little pond on a college campus near where I work. If I have to go up stairs I try to run up them, and if its not to hot in the evening I take a walk with my kids. My name is Wendy
Mccormick makes a lot of marinades for chicken, my two favorites are the Chipolte Chicken marinade, and the buffalo chicken, I alwasy use bonless skinless chicken breast. these marinades come in the envelope packaging and not a jar.
Hi Im new here, trying tyo gt my weight under controll before it gets totally ouf controll, cureently weight about 168 and am 5'3. Hardestt thing is finding time to excerzise