leelee243 Member


  • The high-impact aerobics should be pretty close for the cardio circuits. Good luck!
  • It is YOUR job to feed them and YOU control what gets offered to them. It is HER job to eat it. Continue to offer healthy choices at each meal and let her see you eating healthy too. She will slowly come around. If she goes without eating for a meal because she refuses to eat anything you offer her, it's ok. Try again for…
  • this is awesome! WAY TO BE INCREDIBLE! I am totally having a "wall" day with an urge to watch Real Housewives and eat cookies. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
  • Today is my first day back to work after maternity leave and everyone keeps saying "you look great! you look so skinny!" My responses... "THANKS!" "I'm working on it!" or my favorite... "Well the last time you saw me I WAS very pregnant... of course I look skinny" LOL. GREAT JOB!
  • I do Insanity as a supplement to jogging and most importantly- watching EVERY morsel that goes into your mouth. Even if you say you're "in shape", the losing weight, including trouble areas, won't happen unless you're cutting calories. SO, Insanity is just that... INSANE. I tend to swear a lot when doing it. :) It is all…
  • There are a lot of forum posts on this, you can do a quick search and find many people in the same situation. Breastfeeding calories are logged under FOOD as a deficit. You need to eat an additional 250-500 calories per day for BF.
  • so sorry... I think about cookies ALL THE TIME too. I have the perfect recipe memorized and sometimes it occurs to me that I could make the dough in under 5 minutes... fresh cookie dough in under 5 minutes. dangerous. try counting out 10 M&Ms slowly and eat one at a time. :)
  • As someone who's been on Depo previously and an RN, I know that the weight gain/difficulty losing weight is largely due to depo being progesterone-only. Pills are combo pills with estrogen and hormone derivatives. Depo is also systemic, meaning the hormone acts all over your body/ is in your bloodstream. The Nuvaring is…
  • I know a lot of women "eat for 2" when pregnant... NOT necessary. It is correct that caloric needs stay the same the first half of pregnancy, but that is for people who aren't already dieting. It depends on how much you weigh now... think about weight GAIN goals, not weight loss, and is mostly based on BMI. Those that are…
  • they also make salad dressings! Rich, yummy, creamy RANCH for 60cal per serving! (vs 220 Hidden Valley)
  • Wow! That's a lot of pumping... usually they say only 500 calories per day for breastfeeding. At 6 months old, your milk is changing over as you start to introduce solid foods to your baby anyway, so you can probably cut that back even further as your body is now "used to" making the milk. As long as you have a good…