

  • put them away and have a glass of water and some carrot sticks. i am sat at home and i know there is some nutella downstairs its driving me crazy!!!! so i am having early lunch so i dont give in to my nutella craving. good luck :)
  • Hello congratulations on the wedding... how exciting. It seems to me that your not eating enough. if your burning 1000 calories and only eating 1200 - your body will go into starvation mode and you wont loose any weight. I would suggest you need to eat your exercise calories to help you loose the weight you want to and it…
  • Hello, I noticed that your not drinking very much water - you should definitely up that amount to 8 for a start. Also to up your calories just start with walking for exercise just half an hour would give you an extra 100 cals. when I started mfp I use to live above where i work, now I've moved and walk at least 25 minutes…
  • Breakfast : oatmeal made with water with tiny bit of honey, raisins, and half a tbsp of ground flax/gogi/and sunflower seeds. walked to work Snack: nakd apple and seed fruit bar. (pressed fruit and seeds/just natural ingredients.) lunch: Mixed salad leaves with roasted aubergine, courgette and red peppers, 4 black olives,…
  • im in! ive been running or cross training/elliptical most days for the past few weeks but cant seem to run for longer that about 20 mins. I have entered into a half marathon for september so i have to be able to run by then. Id appreciate all the help i can get! :) Helen
  • This happened to me today, i hadn't realised how much i had lost. Today i went clothes shopping and as a test i thought only try size 12's on and the first topshop fitted dress i found fitted me perfectly in a 12. this hasnt happened for years. I am still smiling now. I cant wait to go down one more size :) Im going to buy…
  • hi i think most indian places (the ones i go to do) have lots of healthy-ish side dishes like sag aloo, sag paneer and things with aubergine or orka in them. normally in a tomato based sauce as well so i think they could be worth trying. when i go i tend to have a side dish instead of rice and have a little bit of naan as…
  • Hello, I generally have soup but i work in a bistro so its a pretty easy option for me i usually pick a bean soup like cannelini bean, lentil, or chick pea soup with bread no butter. occasionally i make wraps for dinner tho tonight we are having falafel wraps with a salad of mung beans, leaves, radishes, grated carrot and…
  • breakfast 8 am: oat so simple (porridge) cinnamon flavour, one slice of wholemeal toast with apricot jam (no butter) snack 11am: 1/2 a nakd coco loco bar (just fruit and nuts nothing else!) lunch 3pm: 1.5 cups of homemade chickpea soup with one slice of bread (no butter) gym 6.30 - elliptical trainer 20 mins (270 cals)…
  • hello i find the treadmil boring so i dont tend to use it but i do alot of walking so it doesnt really interest me. but I love the elliptical as it burns so many calories. It is so hard in the beginning i started with at level 2 ten mins a day to start with about 3 weeks ago and now im doing level 5/6 30 minutes a day…
  • Hello everyone im in too, I am at 158.7 today i lost 2 lbs this week so mini goal for the end of march will be 153.7 which will make me feel really good, if i can lose that fast, gym 6 days this week then and i want to start running too. I am really struggling to eat my exercise calories does that really help? good luck,…
  • hello, i brought some kale last week and found a kale and pasta recipe on the bbc good food website and adapted it a little. here is the link. http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/330612/pasta-with-kale-garlic-and-chilli i was naughty though and added a little bit of mascapone and a tomato sauce. and used wholewheat pasta…
  • maybe you could check the weight of the packet. Then judging by the weight separate the whole pasta packet into equal measures and then you will be able to roughly judge it. not sure if i have explained correctly. i have just got back from the gym and i feel dizzy! hope that helps a little :). but then if you have already…
    in Pasta Comment by HEasom March 2010
  • i couldn't find it either to start with. its bicycling. : )
  • Hello Im in!! I only started this 10 days ago and i really want to lose 10 pounds do you think its possible and healthy to lose it that quickly? I haven't quite got the hang of my diet change yet, I read today that i am suppose to be eating my exercise calories which i haven't done at all yet. I feel full from eating my…