Couch to 5/10km by June 1st, whose in?

nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I always set myself up to train for a 10km, with my ultimate goal being a 1/2 marathon, but I've fallen off the bandwagon after a few weeks everytime.

Anybody else out there like me - desperatly needing someone to hold them accountable for their training?

I'd love to start a group for both running and weightloss. Every week we can clock in the km/miles we've run and how much weight we've lost. The ultimate goal would be to run 5/10km (whichever you feel ready to train for) by June 1st. The winner for each distance would be whoever had the best time (honor scale).

I'm obviously no pro runner but I have a 10k training program my dad followed (whose now done four 1/2 marathons and a full marathon) so I could post each weeks workouts.

If your not sure how far your running, Run Keeper Lite or Pro is an awesome app to download. With the pro version you can even customize your own interval training workouts and get audio cues through your headphones :) !!!


  • jdurham87
    jdurham87 Posts: 62
    I've actually just started this. Just finished the first week 2 days ago and suppose to start week 2 tonight. I honestly don't think I will be able to run 3 miles in 2 months, but I'm going to try and stick with it and repeat weeks if I have to. I'll get there eventually :-). How will we do this? Blogs?
  • all4tjs
    all4tjs Posts: 51
    I would love to try... I honestly can't even run a mile without stopping a few times though. When is the 1/2 marathon in Victoria? I live on Van Island and would be interested in joining if possible and if I make it through :happy: I am also like you, need the motivation and I definitely need someone to pretty much 'hold my hand' through it all!! LMK how exactly we will do this :)
  • HEasom
    HEasom Posts: 16
    im in! ive been running or cross training/elliptical most days for the past few weeks but cant seem to run for longer that about 20 mins. I have entered into a half marathon for september so i have to be able to run by then. Id appreciate all the help i can get! :)

  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    My biggest problem has always been that I try to start out too hard to soon, and if I cant run for twenty minutes straight three days in a row I feel like a failure... I never allowed my muscles proper recovery.

    Hense finding a proper training plan!!!

    jdurham87 - I'm in the middle of wk 2 at the moment, so looks like we're pretty much in the same spot :)

    HEasom - I hear you on the twenty minutes thing, what I've learned is that to begin with its better to do walk/run intervals and slowly build up your endurance rather than trying to do the time in one painful straight that will turn you off running.

    all4tjs - I think its in september or october, I really can't remember! I'm originally from Qualicum Beach and my family still lives there. A few years ago my dad had a mid life crisis and took up running. He's done a handful of 1/2's and last year did the full Victoria marathon in under 4 hrs - I burst into tears when he crossed the finish line i was so proud of him. Now its my... OUR!!... turn to shine and feel that kind of pride about ourselves!

    I;ve started my training weeks on the Monday because it fits my schedule, but thats me, you might need to jumble things around a bit to fit your days! To start the key thing is to do 2 days of running followed by a day of not running, to give your new running muscles time to recover.

    If you've never run before this should be your training plan;
    Monday - rest (good yoga day!)
    Tuesday + Wednesday - run 2minutes at an easy pace then walk 2 minutes brisk. repeat 5 times for a total of twenty minutes
    Thursday - cross train or weights (strength training for running is really important, you'll be amazed by how much easy hills become when yours arms are strong enough to pump you up them!)
    Friday + Saturday - run 2minutes at an easy pace then walk 2 minutes brisk. repeat 5 times for a total of twenty minutes
    Sunday - cross train or weights

    If you can run for 10 minutes straight without dieing start here;
    Monday - rest (good yoga day!)
    Tuesday + Wednesday - run 5 minutes/ walk 2 minutes x 4 = 28 minutes
    Thursday - cross train or weights
    Friday + Saturday - run 5 minutes/ walk 2 minutes x 4 = 28 minutes
    Sunday - cross train or weights

    Wk 2's start here:
    Monday - rest
    Tuesday + Wednesday - run 8/walk 2 x 3 = 30 minutes
    Thursday - cross train or weights
    Friday + Saturday - run 8/walk 2 x 3 = 30 minutes
    Sunday - cross train or weights

    Checking in every saturday or sunday works for me, what works best for everyone else? I haven't really done this kind of online group thing before so maybe we can just continue this stream or I can start new ones as needed under the title "Couch to 10km by june 1st"? Any other suggestions?
  • all4tjs
    all4tjs Posts: 51
    Hey! Qualicum is just a bit from here! (Port Alberni) I am orig. from Sask. though.

    I am going to be starting my training regimen Monday :) - having Sunday as my rest day. Can't wait! I am a total beginner. I guess we all have to start somewhere, hey?

    I also have no idea how this online group thing works, but have been checking in for feedback...

  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I just started week 4 of C25K. I didn't think I'd be able to do the 5 minutes straight but I did. I haven't done any real running in about 25 years so I wasn't sure about this but the interval running does seem to be building up my stamina week by week. I have a 5 K in May. Just hoping I can do this.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA from messaging for a few days. Getting through Easter weekend has be a huge challenge! My family is notorious for over indulgence during holidays and this one has been no different... sadly the eating has been so out of control I haven't eat kept record... the good news is despite the holiday weekend I have kept up with my running workouts - something that would usually have suffered in the past.

    So, even though I most certainly did not lose any weight this week (and probably gained) I can proudly log in;

    Km this week: 20.7 :)

    wk3 C210K;
    day1: rest
    day2+3: run 9: walk 1 x 3
    day4: cross train/weights
    day5+6: run 9:walk 1 x 3
    day 7:rest

    wk2 C210k;
    day1: rest
    day2+3: run 8: walk 2 x 3
    day4: cross train/weights
    day5+6: run 8:walk 2 x 3
    day 7:rest

    day1: rest
    day2+3: run 3: walk 2 x 5
    day4: cross train/weights
    day5+6: run 3:walk 2 x 5
    day 7:rest

    I guess I should also mention to always warm up before you start running to avoid injuries! My problem is I get sore ankles if i dont warm up first. Sometimes I do a quick full body work-out to warm up (pushups/situps/lunges etc) or I'll put on a favorite song and dance around in my living room before heading out the door...

    And stretch your hamstrings and hips after or they will get very tight!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    oops, day 7 was supposed to be cross train/ weights
  • I'd be way up for this.... I used to be a distance runner before I went to college and then i stopped. i went from running half marathons and being able to due a 6 minute to barely being able to do a mile. :( but i've started running and training again. I'd love to have some people to compare times too. Feel free to add me anyone. :)
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I started the C25K program last night. :)
  • I've already started training for a 10K on May 31. I'm beginning Week 6 of training. I modified a schedule to let me start out slow and get used to running 4 days a week. I started a couple of weeks ago with running for 5 minutes straight before I ran out of breath and staying on the treadmill for 20 minutes being a challenge. I am now able to run 1 mile in 10 minutes and then alternate between running half miles (5 minutes) and walking for the rest of 30 minutes. The only reason I need to stop and walk now is muscle pain in my left leg; otherwise I think I could keep running longer.

    This week my schedule is:
    MON - Run 40 minutes
    TUES - Run 3 miles
    WED - off
    THURS - Run 40 minutes
    FRI - off
    SAT - Run 4 miles

    My personal goal for this week is to get to running 1.5 miles before stopping to walk.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    There is nothing wrong with having to take walking breaks! Without walking my workouts would be alot shorter :bigsmile: I don't start running for a straight time for another two weeks.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    I'd be way up for this.... I used to be a distance runner before I went to college and then i stopped. i went from running half marathons and being able to due a 6 minute to barely being able to do a mile. :( but i've started running and training again. I'd love to have some people to compare times too. Feel free to add me anyone. :)

    I've never really timed my k's until recently, when my dad started entering races and talking about his "race pace". I'd be interested in keeping track of my average time/km and seeing how it improves.

    For motivation I was also hoping people would log-in with their distances run for each week and if they experienced any weightloss.
  • all4tjs
    all4tjs Posts: 51
    Hey! I am a brand new runner and just going to start my 'week 2', but is it really that much of a jump from running 3 minutes to running 8 minutes straight?
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