natmadc Member


  • Third Month doing this so far its been great! SW: 193 CW: 174.4 GW: 169.4 or below (my first mini goal was 168 so hopefully ill make it there) Weigh in Dates: 7/1 - 174.4 7/8 - 173.8 7/15 7/22 7/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: .6lb not the best but at least its going down , kind of…
  • I keep an 84oz water bottle around me constantly. I make it my mission to drink at least two of those a day. Fill a large water bottle up and make it your goal to finish it by the end of the day and bump it up from there. But you have to keep it around so its there to remind you to drink it. :smile:
  • My suggestion: Find a cereal you like look at the servings and fit it into you calories. If you are worried about sugars and fat and all that, just look at the nutritional labels until one fits your requirements
    in Cereal! Comment by natmadc July 2013
  • 754 calories.......back on track today lol
  • I have done it, it has worked, it takes time, be patient and be consistent, it's way better than having to survive on fewer calories. :happy:
  • Third Month doing this so far its been great! SW: 193 CW: 174.4 GW: 169.4 or below (my first mini goal was 168 so hopefully ill make it there) Weigh in Dates: 7/1 - 174.4 7/8 7/15 7/22 7/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost:
  • I started out at 1200 lost a little than it stopped I end up calculating my TDEE-15%( at first I did - 20% but I like to eat) and upped my calories and what do you know I started losing again, And I can actually eat! But that was just my experience.
  • SW: 193 CW: 183.4 GW: 178.4 Weigh in Dates: 6/1 183.4 6/8 179.8 6/15 179.2 6/21 177.6 Woohoo passed my goal ! Maybe I can get down another pound by the end of the month :happy: 6/30 Total weight lost: 5.8 pounds I love Lifting!!!!! I am 9 pounds away from my first mini goal of 168, 168 was a weight I was comfortable at a…
  • Awesome story ,very inspiring, and although it was long I read every single word. Thanks for the post
  • I eat between 1600-1800 calories a day and I'm on track to be at my goal weight by that time. We have simirlar goal weight / starting weights
  • I did (STILL DO) the UFC Trainer for Kinect. I have had awesome results there is the option to do the 30 or 60 day programs. I would encourage you to do that, I have had great success with the 60 day program.
  • SW: 193 CW: 183.4 GW: 178.4 Weigh in Dates: 6/1 183.4 6/8 179.8 6/15 179.2 6/22 6/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: 4.2 pounds Almost at month goal if I meet the goal then I will readjust my end of the month goal to 177.4
  • Not to promote this website but I calculated all of that information using this : I followed the number that was given at TDEE-15% (I like to eat, so I figured I would do 15% rather than 20% :happy: ) I eat at a minimum my BMR and I have seen consistent weight loss (of course…
  • I plan my meals out, usually a day before make sure I meet my macros. I find it really easy to eat 1600 calories, I probably could eat more if you let me... Especially considering I was eating a lot more when I was heavier
  • Give your body a couple weeks to adjust to your new execrcise regiment and then see if you still have those gains. Same thing happened to me but I eventually started to drop again
  • There is a game called UFC Trainer , I play it on the kinect but I believe they have for WII too. It is awesome. It has 30 day and 60 day weight loss programs...And it works!
  • Okay just a quick update I stepped on the scale today and I was 178.4 (at my month goal!!!) I will weigh in on the 15th to make sure its not a fluke...but if so my new months goal is 176.4 two more pounds!!!!
  • I would be soooooo happy with 17 pounds in 3 months, I'm lucky to get 6-10 pounds in 3 months
  • This is the closest one ive seen same CW and GW/ugw just one year older and 2 inches shorter
  • SW: 193 CW: 183.4 GW: 178.4 Weigh in Dates: 6/1 183.4 6/8 179.8 (I dont know what happen, but I stepped on the scale and there it was! Woohoo only 1.4 away from month goal!) 6/15 6/22 6/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: 3.8 pounds
  • The Most: Greek Yogurt Salmon Brown Rice Peppers Curry SRIRACHA Almonds Walnuts Chicken Tilapia
  • I try not to "cut" out anything , I just watch my calories intake and I especially enjoy all the things listed in your third parpgraph "high fiber whole grain English muffins and wraps and high fiber low sugar breads, brown rice and quinoa. sweet potatoes" Sweet Potatoes have sooo many nutritional benefits and they are…
  • I too do UFC Trainer I love it its helped me a lot!
  • Fage 2% Greek Yogurt with Crushed up walnuts & almonds yum!
  • Woohoo! I was just thinking I wonder if they are going to open a June group . The May group really help me see my progress thru the month. I was losing at a faster rate than I thought. Hopefully I can see the same success this month. SW: 193 CW: 183.4 GW: 178.4 Weigh in Dates: 6/1 6/8 6/15 6/22 6/28 End of Month (or…
  • SW : 263 SW AT 4/30 : 189 Starting Goal Weight for May : 184 (Met on 5/15) New Goal Weight for May - 181 5/1 - 189 5/8 - 187 5/15 - 184.4 5/22 -184.4 5/29 - 184.4 5/31 - Weighed this morning 183.4 woohoo! I did not reach my 2nd goal for the month (181) but I beat my first one hopefully I can get out of the 180s by the end…
  • I try to plan/post my meals ahead of time so that I know that I will feel satisfied throughout the day. This helps for not using up all your calories early in the day. Or ill try to be creative with those last few calories and think of filling meals that fit within those limits. Or like the previous poster said Ill…
  • SW : 263 SW AT 4/30 : 189 Starting Goal Weight for May : 184 (Met on 5/15) New Goal Weight for May - 181 5/1 - 189 5/8 - 187 5/15 - 184.4 5/22 -184.4 5/29 - 184.4 No weight loss this week again... it so my fault and partially the fairs fault for having such yummy high sugar high fat high calorie loads of goodness