LilyBeeMe Member


  • I'm sorry, my mistake. I meant to say that it takes about 35 minutes or so for me to burn 150 kcal on low intensity as a warm up.
  • Thanks for the reply Machka. Well as I said, I have a stationary bike at home. It's reebok and though not one of the very expensive ones, it's decent enough. On its monitor, it shows, time, km, kcal burned, intensity, etc. Once I get on it, I first have it on manual and a low intensity degree, and do around 15 minutes to…
  • I see what you mean, I know that truly athletic women such as Miss Universe work out and lift a lot to get there. Though, examples such as Scarlet Johanson or Miranda Kerr wouldn't really relate to someone like me. Those women were slim to start with and then worked out to develop muscle to be more fit and toned. I'm…
  • Oh no don't worry I eat the exercise back, I'm way greedier than that! ;) What's the difference between cardio and strength training though? And does doing one or the other enhance weight loss? Also, I'm a girl and wouldn't like to look muscular, I know it takes a while and a lot of effort for people to get muscular but…
  • Hello Vismal and other fitness chums, I have a question concerning exercise for weight loss. I basically try to eat healthy and stay in the green in regards to calorie consumption. As for exercising, I've bought myself an apartment bike and do about 1200kcal in around 2hours. I have a couple of 0.5kg weights that I try to…
  • Thanks so much for the feedback everyone. I'll be gobbling down my leftovers guilt free tonight ;)
  • I just found this article that basically says only 15mins. Think I should be fine. Any other feedback would be much appreciated
  • I know you have to have a calorie deficiency and that seems absolutely logical to me too. But, it was an aerobics' teacher who would always nag us to wait at least 1 hour (better 2 hours) to eat after class. Plus, I had this very skinny friend who was trying to gain weight and her nutritionist had asked her to exercise and…
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I checked it out on youtube, it's a rather interesting concept, but, I only have a laptop. Thanks anyway! :)
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