So so tired after exercising !!

Hello everyone,

It's been a little over a month now that I've started MFP. I really love it. Bought a little kitchen scale and have had quite a good run up until now (with some minor falling off the wagon days), but all in all, I can't complain.

I've also been tracking my physical activity. Have been exercising almost everyday, something which was quite non-existent before MFP.

The only thing is that I'm physically so tired these days, after my exercise sessions, that I take really long naps during the day. I'm talking 2 - 3 hour naps, and I must say, I almost sleep about 8 hours during the night too!

I can't keep this up because I'm also a student, and I have loads to study. I'm doing research so I have no classes and I basically am free everyday, leaving me to organise my everyday.

I'm really happy that I'm eating well and exercising, but to be quite honest, that's all I do in the day. I do have an iron deficiency, so being this tired isn't such a surprise to me either, but I would love to find a solution to my particular dilemma. I don't wantt to have to choose between my health and my studies.

So, if anyone out there has any ideas that could help me out, I'd be most grateful.



  • LilyBeeMe
    LilyBeeMe Posts: 15 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    What is your nutrition looking like? Are you low carbing? Is your calorie intake too low? Maybe plan a rest/recovery day into your week so that your body has a chance to recover and reenergize before your next exercise session.

    As far as iron deficiency...that runs in my family so I know where you are coming from with that. I cook with cast iron mainly and eat a lot of meat, beans, and eggs (whole) to help keep my numbers up where they should be.
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    What is your nutrition looking like? Are you low carbing? Is your calorie intake too low? Maybe plan a rest/recovery day into your week so that your body has a chance to recover and reenergize before your next exercise session.

    As far as iron deficiency...that runs in my family so I know where you are coming from with that. I cook with cast iron mainly and eat a lot of meat, beans, and eggs (whole) to help keep my numbers up where they should be.
    To add to this, how much rest are you getting? What time of day are you exercising? How much are you exercising, cardio/weights? How overweight are you? Lots of factors here.